Central reserve police Force CRPF going to conduct the written examination for the posts of constable Technical and tradesman posts. CRPF recently invited online application form for the posts of CONSTABLE (TECHNICAL & TRADESMEN) (MALE/FEMALE) -2022 last date of application form submission was 2022. There are total no of vacancies 2945 including various categories. Selected constable will be invite in the pay scale of Rs. 5200-20200) plus Grade Pay of Rs. 2000
Selection of the eligible candidates will be done through the Physical stander Test PST. First stage selection process will be include test of
Height bar and 05 Kms race for the post of Constable (Driver and Fitter) only.
Physical efficiency test.
Screening of Testimonials.
Physical Measurement / Standard test.
After that those candidates who will be declared qualified in the written examination they will be call for personal interview test. CRPF declared the written exam dates for Constable GD posts. detailed schedule and phased / stage wise recruitment date will be updated here UpJob.in
Official website of CRPF constable recruitment is
www.crpf.gov.in or www.crpf.nic.in
CRPF written examination will two parts. All questions will be Objective type MCQ based. Written test will carry 100 marks . part 1 , questions will be high school level and part 2 question will be related to knowledge of the Trade. Minimum qualifying marks for General and Ex service man is 35% and minimum passing marks for SC /ST and OBC category is 33% .
Question paper pattern for CRPF Constable Upcoming Exam
Part-I of Question Paper will consist of 50 objective type multiple choice questions carrying 01 mark each to assess the following:
- General awareness / knowledge
- Knowledge of elementary mathematics
- Analytical aptitude.
- Ability to observe and distinguish patterns.
- Basic knowledge in English/Hindi.
Part-II of Question Paper will also have 50 objective type multiple choice questions carrying 01 mark, separately for each trade to assess the knowledge of the candidate in respective trade. Candidate applying for a particular trade will be given question paper pertaining to that trade only.
The questions will be set both in Hindi and English. Candidates will have the option to
answer either in Hindi or English.
Questions in Part-I & II are to be answered using a blue/ black ball pen.
The duration of the Written Test will be 02 hours.
No representation for revaluation of answer sheet of written exam or re-conduct of
written examination will be entertained.
Every years many lakh candidates appearing CRPF Constable, SUB Inspector SI and Assistant Sub Inspector examination. many of the candidates declared qualified in 1st stage but without have a good preparation failed to crack stage 2 written examination . so guys if you want to crack this examination then work hard on physical as well as for written examination . Questions of Constable Examination will be high school stander so start solving previous year Constable Question paper of CRPF constable examination. UpJob.in brought the latest Solved Question paper of Up Police Constable Recruitment main examination . hope this paper will be useful in your preparation. We uploaded this paper in the Imager File instead of PDF file so you can download these question paper on you mobile.
Question paper is in Hindi with solution and official correct answer key. If you want more question paper , study material , Model paper , of CRPF written examination ,they you can post your comment here . We will send you in your mail ID.
All the best for your upcoming written examination.
CRPF Constable Question paper with answer key | Model paper sample question paper CRPF Exam previous year question paper

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Sri i want crpf exam papers pls send me pls
Sir I want crpf exam ldce si/gd model paper pls send me veersonu06@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSir i am member of crpf .I want previous years questions of crpf through ldce si / gd, so please send me in my email bijen88@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSir i am member of crpf .I want previous years questions of crpf through ldce si / gd, so please send me in my email id kumarabhinav897@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHi...sir please send me previous exam pepar of CRPF CLERK ...please send me on this gmail id - satendrasah92@gmail.com
ReplyDeletesir send me this paper
ReplyDeletesir send this paper
ReplyDeleteSir I want question paper related with crpf bigular post
ReplyDeletei need the example of question paper , please send my email id - rahulmalvi@mail.com
ReplyDeleteplease send me old exam paper of ASI steno crpf
pls send me nitinupadhyay101@gmail.com pepar
ReplyDeletesir g pls mujhe crpf head constable ministrial ka previous paper hindi me kesharwani.akhil9797@gmail.com me send kar dijiye na
ReplyDeletesir g pls mujhe crpf head constable ministrial ka previous paper hindi me pankaj dubey.goludubay0@gmail.com me send kar dijiye na
ReplyDeleteSir please give 2013-14-15 pepar Crpf Hc my Email ndeka998@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteKindly request to you send last five year question paper of CRPF HC(MIN) in my email ID of bhivarawool@gmail.com
ReplyDeletesir i have a request to u please send crpf head constable previos paper last five year to send shivamtiwari504@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSir plz send me previous years solved papers (head constable )to my mail id - manoo.5030@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSIR, I have a request to you send me Head Constable Ministrial privious solve paper last five years to my mail in Hindi version not in english my email id: hari253om@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSor i have a request to you send me hc/gd and si/gd ldce crpf privous solve paper in five year to my mail in hindi version ..my email id astitesuraj@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI request to you send me si/gd ldce exams 2016 crpf admit card my form no 2410 .
I am not yet receive and still awaiting
So plz humbly providing my admit card .
My f/no 115183107 ct/gd premdas of g/74 bn crpf dornapal sukma chhattisgarh .
With Regards......
Sir ji plz send i need the example of question paper , please send my email id. Ankitmiri8878@gmail.com
ReplyDeletePlz send kar do daily
ReplyDeletePLS SIR,
ReplyDeleteSEND ME CRPF SI QUTIONS PAPER MY EMAIL ID mukeshsitab@gmail.com plzzz..
sir please send me hc /gd departmental exam pdf hindi
ReplyDeleteHi...sir please send me previous exam pepar of CRPF Trademan Drivers ...please send me on this gmail id - parveenc3@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteHello sir!
ReplyDeletePlz sand me crpf tradesman exam paper plzzzzzzz
Email- shubhambb2016@gmail. Com
Whatsap no 8476966041
sir crpf asi steno ka typing test simple hoga ya fr coding plz tell me
ReplyDeletei want crpf previous year paper for preparation ct constable.for bugler post .
ReplyDeleteearly as possible
thank you sir.......
i want ct constable previous year paper for my friend.
ReplyDeleteplease send me on my whatsapp-7069556575
or email-ravibalva79@gmail.com
Sir plz crpf CT cook constable old paper send in akashkatarha@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteSir plz send me previous years solved papers (head constable
ReplyDeleteMy im id ( akhileshkumarkushwsha00@gmail.com
Hi sir
ReplyDeleteDEAR SIR ,
Sir mujhe crpf constable ka peaper bej dijiye
ReplyDeleteSir mujhe crpf bugler trade ka question paper dena plz sir ....
ReplyDeleteSir mujhey CRPF ka si ka poora question paper chahiye
ReplyDeleteSir crpf ka paper kesa aata h