Railway Recruitment Board (Railway Bharti Board) recently declared the results of Assistant loco Pilot ALP recruitment Examination . Total 25000 candidates declared qualified in RRB ALP written examination. RRB Allahabad declared this result after one year of the written examination. Total 8 times 25304; of proposed of vacancies candidates have been declared qualified in the written examination Assistant loco pilot.
Now all qualified candidates is called for psychological test. Psycho Test will be held in different exam center approximately 22 days for all candidates. All candidates who declared qualified in ALP written examination they are informed that RRB started sending call Letter for qualified candidates in the written examination. More then 3000 posts of assistant loco pilot will be filled through this vacancy in Uttar Madhya railway NCR (North central Region. ) written examination as held on ............... Its expected that other regional will also declare ALP results without any more delay. Psycho test in Allahabad region will be held from ..................Candidates are advised to bring ID proof with call letter for appearing in psychological test.
Now all qualified candidates is called for psychological test. Psycho Test will be held in different exam center approximately 22 days for all candidates. All candidates who declared qualified in ALP written examination they are informed that RRB started sending call Letter for qualified candidates in the written examination. More then 3000 posts of assistant loco pilot will be filled through this vacancy in Uttar Madhya railway NCR (North central Region. ) written examination as held on ............... Its expected that other regional will also declare ALP results without any more delay. Psycho test in Allahabad region will be held from ..................Candidates are advised to bring ID proof with call letter for appearing in psychological test.
Upjob.in brought complete news update regarding loco pilot psycho test, result 2022 paper, model question paper pdf, assistant loco previous papers aptitude test, syllabus and books information . Hope following information may be helpful in preparation of the ALP psycho Test.
Hands on Practice Material for Candidates appearing for the post of Assistant Loco Pilot BY Government of India – Ministry of Railways Research Designs and Standards Organization
- Containing:
- Basic Instructions
- Sample OMR sheet
- Composition of Test Battery
- Practice Problems
- Tips & Essential Information

Composition of Assistant Loco Pilot’s Test Battery
- 1. Memory Test
- 2. Following Directions Test
- 3. Depth Perception Test
- 4. Concentration Test
- 5. Perceptual Speed Test

Test for measuring Memory

Test for measuring Ability to Follow Directions

Test for measuring Depth Perception

Test for measuring Concentration -
Practice problems Test for measuring Concentration

Test for measuring Perceptual Speed

You may also visit website http://www.irptd.org
download Complete Study Material In PDF http://www.rrbbnc.gov.in/forms/ALPs_Guidelines.pdf
RRB ALL Loco Pilot Psycho Test 2022 Details