SUBJECTS : GENERAL APTITUDE CONSISTING OF REASONING, DATA ANALYSIS English Language , computer proficiency Test , General awareness , General Intelligence test , Current Events , Numerical ability , Data interpretation
Paper 1 : Question Paper booklet B: assistant grade III FCI AG 3 Food corporation of India Depot
Total Time: 90 Minutes, Total No of questions 120
Unsolved question paper for SBI, IBPSC Specialist officer Bank exam question paper of all subjects , Important questions for Upcoming banking examination 20212
Paper 1 : Question Paper booklet B: assistant grade III FCI AG 3 Food corporation of India Depot
Total Time: 90 Minutes, Total No of questions 120
Unsolved question paper for SBI, IBPSC Specialist officer Bank exam question paper of all subjects , Important questions for Upcoming banking examination 20212
1. 24th Saraswati Samman for the year 202 was presented to:
(1) Veerappa Moily (2)
Govind Mishra (3) A.A. Manavalan (4) S.L. Bhyrappa
2. HRIDAY Scheme of Government of India is being implemented
in how many identified cities of India?
(1) 8 (2)
6 (3)
12 (4) None of these
3. INCH towards Miles’ which was recently in news refers to
relation between:
(1) India
and China (2) SARRC Countries
(3) India
and Pakistan (4) India,
Nepal and China
4. As per the recent supreme court ruling only the pictures of
certain dignitaries would be published in Government advertisements. Picture of
the following personality is not allowed to be published:
(1) Prime Minister of India (3) Chief Justice of India
(2) Vice President of India (4) President of India
5. Identity the wrong statement:
(1) On human capital index, India ranks lower than all its
BRICS Peers.
(2) NASA spacecraft Messenger recently crashed into Mercury.
(3) Black Money Bill passed and became Act recently
(4) Justice A.P. Shah committee has been constituted by SEBI
to look into alternative investment policy.
6. To save an existing file with a new name or to a new
location, you should use command:
(1) Save (2)
Save & replace (3) Save as (4) None of these
7. A program that places program into main memory and
prepares them for execution?
(1) Linker (2)
Assembler (3) Loader (4) None of these
8. What is the escape velocity for the Earth?
(1) 9500 rn/sec. (2) 7800 rn/sec. (3) 11200 rn/sec. (4) None
of these
9. Two cars start from place A & B, 100 km apart,
towards each other. Both cars start simultaneously. A bird sitting on one car
starts at the same time towards the other car, and as soon as it reaches the
second car, it flies back to the first car and it continues in this manner
flying backwards and forwards from one car to the other, until the cars meet.
Both cars travel at a speed on 50 kmph and the bird flies at 100 kmph. Total
distance covered by the bird will be:
(1) 50km (3)
200 km (2) 100 km (4) None of thes
10. The mass of a body at the centre of Earth is:
(1) Less than at the surface (3) More than at the surface
(2) Remains constant (4)
11. The number of students and their average age (in years)
in each of the five classes of a primary school are given in the following
The average age of the students of the school is closest to
the average age of the class:
(2) III (4)
IV (1) I (3) II
DIRECTIONS: (Question No.12 to 15) Study the graph given below and answer the following question.
Demand and production of color TVs of five companies for March, 2015
12. The demand of color TV5 manufactured by company B is
what percent of the demand of those manufactured by company C:
(1) 24% (2)
30% (3) 40% (4) None of these
13. The production of TVs by companies D is how many times
the production by company A:
(1) 3:2 (2)
2:3 (3) 4:1 (4) 1:4
14. What is difference between average demand and average
production of TVs of all companies combined together?
(1) 380 (3)
480 (2) 280 (4) None of these
15. What is the ratio of the number of companies having more demand than production to that of the companies having more production than demand?
(1) 3.0 (2) 0.55 (3) 1.80 (4)
None of these
16. The number on the bottom face of figure C is?
(2)2 (3) 1 (4) None of these
17. A team can do a particular task in 10 days. Another team
can do the same task in 20 days. In how many days will the job be finished, if
both the teams work together?
(1) 6 3/2 days (2) 6 1/3 days (3)
6 2/3 days (4) 6 4/3 days
18. Select the largest (computer) memory size:
(I) Terabyte (2)
Gigabyte (3) Kilobyte (4) Megabyte
19. Movement of Signals between CPUand I/O is controlled by
(1) Arithmetic logic unit (2)
Control unit
(3) Memory unit
(4) None of these
20. A publisher sells copies of books to a retail dealer at 5
per copy but allows 25 copies to be counted as 24. If the retailer sells each
of the 25 copies at 6, his profit
% is:
(1) 20% (3)
25% (2) 24% (4) 40%
21. Probability of getting a multiple of 2 on one dice and a
multiple of 3 on the other dice, when both dice are thrown simultaneously is:
(1) 1/6 (2)
5/12 (3) 11/36 (4) 5/36
22. The name of India’s first private Greenfield Airport:
(1) Pakyong Airport
(2) Cochin International Airport
(3) Kazi Nazrul Islam Airport
(4) Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport
23. Five students participated in an examination and each
scored different marks. Naina scored higher than Meena. Kamla scored lower than
praveen but higher than Naina. Anuj’s score was between Meena and Naina. Which
of the following pairs represents the highest and the lowest scores respectively?
(1) Praveei, Naina (3) Praveen, Anuj
(2) Naina, Praveen (4)
Praveen, Meena
24. In a certain code PAISE’ is coded as ‘QBJTF’ and ‘CEASE’
is coded as ‘DFBTF’. How will ‘TRANGLE’ be coded in the same code?
(1) USBOIMF (3)
25. Which is not a system program or utility?
(1) Virtual Keyboard (2)
Disk fragmenter
(3) Internet Explorer (4)
Operating System
26. All of the ‘active’ information that the computer is
using is stored in:
(1) ROM (2) RAM (3) Virtual Memory (4) Secondary Memory
27. The Government of India has set targets month wise
schedule of Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, 2015. The target set for October month is?
(1) Clean villages reflect clean India
(2) Wind Power: Plentiful & pollution free source
(3) Solar Power• clean, Abundant & Renewable source
(4) Boost to afforestation : Protection of wild life
DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 28 to 30) The pie chart given show
the data on number of foreign collaborations approved with various countries.
Some of these foreign collaborations are technical while others include foreign
investment too. Study the pie chart and answer the questions below it.

28. By what percent did foreign collaborations approved with
Germany change in 2014 with respect to 2013?
(1) 2% increase (2) 8 1/3 % increase
(3) 8 1/3 % decrease
(4) None of these
29. What is the ratio of the number of foreign
collaborations approved with UK in 2013 to those in 2014?
(1) 13:15 (3)
14:15 (2) 7:17 (4) None of these
30. By how much did the number of foreign collaboration
approved with USA increase from 2013 to 2014?
(1) 216 (2) 99 (3) 315 (4) None of these
31. Black Money (Undisclosed foreign income and assets)
and imposition of Tax Act, 2015 has taken effect from:
(I) 1st April, 2015 (2) 1st June 2015
(3) 1st July, 2015 (4) 1st August, 2015
32. Base year of consumer price index has been shifted
recently. It has been changed now to:
(1) 2011 (2)
2013 (3) 2012 (4) None of these
33. The largest blast furnace steel plant which was
modernized by the Central Government and dedicated to the nation recently is in
the state of:
(1) Bihar (3)
Orrisa (2) West-Bengal
(4) Jharkhand
DIRECTIONS: A piece of wire 132cm long is bent successively in the shape of an equilateral triangle, a square, a circle and a regular hexagon.
34. The largest area is included when the wire is bent into
the shape of a:
(1) Circle (2)
Hexagon (3) Square (4) Triangle
35. Two numbers are such that the ratio between them is 3:5.
If each is increased by 20, the ratio between the new numbers so formed is 7:9.
Find the original numbers:
(1) 9, 15 (2)
24,40 (3) 27, 45 (4) 15,25
36. Which of the following in the largest number?
(1) 31/3 (2)
51!5 (4) 71/7 (3) 21/2
37. A large tanker can be filled by two pipes A & B in
60 minutes & 40 minutes respectively. How many minutes will it take to fill
the tanker from empty state if B is used for half the time and A & B fill
it together for the other half:
(1) 3omins (2)
l5mins (3) 20 mins (4) None of these
38. In a History examination, the average for the entire
class was 80 marks. If 10% of the students scored 95 marks and 20% scored 90
marks. What was the average marks of the remaining students of the class:
(1) 65.5 (2) 85 (3) 75 (4) None of these
39. In a class X of 30 students 24 passed in first class; in
another class Y of 35 students, 28 passed in first class. In which class was
the percentage of students getting first class more?
(1) Class X has more percentage of students getting first class
(2) Class Y has more percentage of students getting first class
(3) Both classes have equal percentage of students getting
first class
(4) None of these
40. A and B are young ones of C. If C is the father of About
B is not the son of C. How are BandC related?
(1) Nephew and Uncle (2)
Daughter and Father
(3) Niece and Uncle (4)
Daughter and Mpther
DIRECTIONS: Select from the following groups the word that
does not belong to the group or is different from the rest.
(1) Tin (2)
(3) Iron (4)
DIRECTIONS: This question follow a pattern. The answer ot
first two columns have been arrived at by following some logic. You have to
find out the answer of third column following the same logic and select the
choice to replace the question mark.
xyz 876
pq 23
xy+yz—pq ?
(1) 46
(2) 80
(3) 92 (4)
43. A bus for ‘Chennai’ leaves every 40 minutes from a bus
stand. An enquiry clerk told a person that the bus had slready left 10 minutes
ago and the next bus will leave at 10:45 AM. At what time this information was
given to the man?
(1) 10:25AM (2)
09:55 AM
(3) 10:15AM (4)
44. In a certain code ‘Ki pit lit’ means ‘some small
houses’. ‘les ki tim’ means ‘some good buildings’ and ‘tim nis lit’ means ‘many
small buildings’. What is the code for ‘houses’?
(1) lit (3)
(2) ki (4)
45. If Ranchi is called Delhi, Delhi is called Mumbai,
Mumbai is called Dehradun, Dehradun is called Nagpur and Nagpur is called
Meerut then where is the Gate way of India?
(1) Meerut (2)
(3) Nagpur (4)
46. If in the year 2010, paper production of company Aditi’
is more than that of company ‘Vineet’ but not more than that of companies
‘Chirag’ and ‘Deeva’. Production of company ‘Sevika’ is not as much as that of
company ‘Deeva’. However it is more than that of company Chirag’. Which company
produced the highest quantity of papers?
(1) Deeva (2)
(3) Sevika (4)
None of these
47. Simplify (0.9 —[2.3—3.2 —(7.1 — 5.4— 3.5)])
(1) 0.18 (2)
1.8 (3) 0 (4) 2.6
48. A father weighs 14 kgs more than the weight of his wife. His wife weighs 23 kgs more than his daughter who weighs 29 kgs. Calculate their average weight in kgs.: (1) 56 (2) 49 (3) 48 (4) None of these
49. Twelve solid spheres of the same size are made by
melting a solid metallic cylinder of base diameter 2 cm and height 16 cm. The
diameter of each sphere is:
(1) 2cm (3)
(2) 3cm (4)
50. Following figures show expenditure by A and B on
different items for a given income.

(1) ‘A’ Spends more on food than ‘B’
(2) ‘B’ Spends equally on Clothes and Rent
(3) A’s spending on rent & Clothes is equal to B’s
spending on food
(4) ‘A’ Spends less on Clothes than ‘B’
51. HTML isa subset of:
(1) SGMT (2)
(3) SGMD
(4) SCMT and SGMD
52. A child walks 25 feet towards North, turns right and
walks 40 feet, turns right again and walks 45 feet. He then turns left and
walks 20 feet. He turns left again walk 20 feet. Finally, he turns to his left
to walk another 20 feet In which direction is the child from his starting
(1) East (3)
(2) West (4)
53. In a certain code language LESSON is coded as NGUOML.
How will PUZZLE be coded in that code language?
DIRECTIONS: In the following question, Select the choice
which represents right solution given that ‘+‘ stands for multiplication, *’
stsods for addition, -‘ stands for division and ‘+‘ stands for subtraction.
(1) 20-5*60+7=425 (2)
18-9*l 00+7=701
(3) 64-8*121-11=19
(4) 121-10x80-4=30
55. The process, by which a prism forms different colours,
is known as:
(1) Diffraction (2)
(3) Refrscton (4)
56. Latitude of a point on the Earth is measured by the
distance in:
(1) Kilomelers trom the equator (2) Angles from the equator
(3) Angles from the poles (4)
Kilometers from the poles
following questions two statements are given followed by two conclusions I
& II. The two statements are to be considered true Pick the choice as
A. If only conclusion I Follows
B. If only conclusion II follows
C. If both conclusion I & II follow
D. If neither conclusion I nor II follows
57. Some teachers are adults. Some adults are poets:
I Some teachers are poets
II Some poefs are teachers
(1) A (3) C (2) B (4) D
58. Which of the following tag is used to mark a beginning Of
(1) <TD> (3) <P> (2) <br> (4) <TR>
59. If BAT = 69 and BOOK = 172, then PEN =?
(1) 66 (3)
144 (2) 105 (4) None of these
public meeting there were 8 speakers A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. Each spoke for
some time according to the following scheme—
I. ‘A’ spoke after ‘F’ and took more time than ‘B’
II. ‘C’ spoke before ‘G’ and after ‘B’ and took less time
than E.
II. ‘D’ spoke after ‘H’ and before ‘B’ and took less time
than ‘H’, but more time than ‘E’.
IV. ‘H’ Spoke after ‘A’ and took less time than ‘B’
60. Who spoke for the longest time?
(1) A (2)
B (3) C (4) D
missing term in series below.
61. 3, 8, 18, ?, 53, 78
(1) 31 (3)
33 (2) 32 (4) None of these
DIRECTIONS: In the following question select the choice of
letters which completes the first word and begins the second. The letters in
the bracket end the first word and begin the second. Number of dots in bracket
indicate number of letters required.
62. ST(……….)PLE:
(1) OPS
(2) INK (3) RIP (4)
63. United Stock Exchange’ is the India’s newest stock
exchange, The main area of operations of this stock exchange:
(1) Currency futures (3) Copper & Metal Futures
(2) Share & securities (4) Commodities
64. WhIch component of the Operating system directly
interact with hardware:
(1) The kernel (3)
The terminal
(2) The shell (4)
None of these
65. Find out the incorrect rank combination among defense
forces :
Army Navy
Air Force
(1) General Admiral Air Chief Marshal
(2) Brigadier Commodore
Air Commodore
(3) Major Lieutenant
Squadron Leader
(4) Colonel Captain Group Captain
66. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using
the codes given below the lists:
List—I List— II
I. Linux A.
II. Pentium B.
Programming Language
Ill. C++ C.
IV. Modem D.
Operating System
(1) I -D, II -C,
Ill-B, IV –A (2) I-C, II- D, Ill-B, IV –A
(3) I-B, II -C,
(4) I -D, Il-B, Ill-C, IV -A
67. Who has been vested with power by the constitution to
permit any Member of Parliament who can not adequately express himself/ herself
in Hindi or in English to address the House in his/her mother tongue:
(1) Chairman of the Council of states or the person acting
as such in the house
(2) Speaker of the House of the people or the person acting
as such in the house
(3) Leader of the house
(4) Both(1)&(2)
DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 68 to 71) :

68. The number of students in total who took History or
Mathematics or Science was:
(1) 430 ` (3) 183 (2) 424 (4)
None of these
69. Which subject was taken by the largest number of
(1) History (3)
Science (2) Geography (4) Mathematics
70. The number of students who took any three of the above
subjects was:
(2) 63 (4) None of these (1) 62 (3)
71. The number of students who took History and Geography
among other subjects was?
(2) 65 (4)
None of these (1) 66 (3) 63
72. The micro-architecture of the Pentium 4 is called:
(1) Power3 (2) 21164 scheme
(3) NetBurst
(4) None of these
73. Sound travels faster in solids than in gases, because:
1) Density of solids is more
(2) Modulas of elasticity is more than that of gases
(3) Sound can not travel through gases
(4) Sound is an electromagnetic wave
74. Which strait separates Europe from Africa?
(1) Matlaica (3)
Berring (2) Gibralter (4) Palk
75. In a class, 29 students play cricket, 26 play hockey and
21 play football. 12 play both football & cricket, 14
play both hockey and football. 15 play both cricket & Hockey. Further 8
students play all the three and 2 do not play at all. The number of students in
the class is:
(1) 70 (2) 55 (3) 47
(4) 45
76. In case of reflection it is well known that when a
mirror turned through an angle the reflected ray turns through:
(1) Same angle (3)
Thrice the angle
(2) Twice the angle
(4) Half the angle
77. The most common cause of death in road accident is due
(1) Severe injury
(2) Loss of oxygen supply caused by blocked airway
(3) Bleeding (Severe hemorrhage)
(4) None of these
For more news related to this, you must join our Telegram channel UPJOBIN so that you can reach the updates first.
78. In a group of 36 persons, a total of 16 take cold drink
while 9 take only cold drink not green coconut drink. How many persons in this
group take only green coconut drink but not cold drink. (Every person take
drink either cold drink or green coconut or both):
(1) 27
(2) 25 (3) 20 (4) 22
DIRECTIONS: Complete the Series in the following figures.
79. Question figure :

Answer figure :

80. Question figure :

Answer figure :

81. Which country gives Magsaysay awards?
(1) India (2)
Britain (3) China (4) The Philippines
82. In full time organizational framework of Niti Aayog, the
ex-officio members are to be nominated by;
(1) Vice Chairperson of Niti Aayog
(2) Prime Minister
(3) Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha
(4) C.E.O. of Niti Aayog
83. The scholar who accompanied Mahmud Ghaznavi during his
expedition to India was:
(1) IbnBatuta (3)
Firdausi (2) Al Beruni (4) Al. Razi
84. Which article of the constitution of India requires the
constitution of a finance commission every five years or earlier:
(1) Article 280 (3)
Article 126
(2) Article 250
(4) None of these
DIRECTIONS: (Question No 85 to 87) Each question below is
followed by two statement I and II You are to determine whether the data given
in the statement is sufficient for answering the question You should use the
data and your knowledge of mathematics to choose between the possible answers
A. If the statement I alone is sufficient to answer the
question but the statement II alone is not sufficient.
B. If the statement II alone is sufficient to answer the
question but statement I alone is not sufficient.
C. If both statements I and II together are needed to answer
the question.
D. If either the statement I alone or statement II alone is
sufficient to answer the question.
E. If you can not get the answer from statement I and II
together but need even more data.
85. X, Y and Z are three consecutive odd number (not
necessary in this order). What is the sum of these number?
I. The difference of Y & Z is 4
II. One third of X is 33
(1) A (2)
B (3) C (4) D
86. How many people are computer experts in the
I, Each computer expert must conduct at least 3 programs
related to computers.
II. Organisation conducts 30 programs related to computers
(1) A (2)
B (3) C (4) E
87. What is the number?
I. 25% of that number is one fourth of that number
II. 3/4 of that number is less by 14 of that number.
(1) A
(2) B (3) D (4) E
88. Pick the odd one out:
(1) Complier
(3) Assembler (2) Interpreter
(4) Word Processor
89. Who recently became 161st member of WTO?
(1) Yemen (2)
Tajikistan (3) Seychelles (4) Ukraine
90. The World Bank on 1st July, 2015 released the annual
revised classification of world’s economics based on estimates of Gross
National Income. Which country has the world lowest GNI per capita:
(1) Argentina (2) Malawi (3) Hungary
(4) Monaco
91. Which city became the 17th city to be designated as world book capital
recently by UNESCO:
(1) New Delhi
(3) Conakry (2) Bangkok (4) Wroclaw
92. The work done by a woman in 8 hours is equal to the work
done by a man in 6 hours and by a boy in 12 hours. If working 6 hours per day 9
men can complete a work in 6 days, then how many days can 12 men, 12 women and
12 boys together finish the same work working 8 hours per day?
(1) 1 1/3 days (2) 3 2/3 days (3)
1 1/2 days (4) None of these
93. The weight of a cylindrical can alone is 16.66% of the
container filled wjth a certain liquid. When some liquid is removed, the weight
of the container and remaining liquid is 33.33% of the total original weight
What fraction of liquid has been removed?
(1) 1/3 (2) ½
(3) 2/3 (4)
None of these
DIRECTIONS: (Question No. 94 & 95) Fifty books belonging
to different subjects viz History (8), Geography (7), Literature (13),
Psychology (8), Science (14) are placed on a shelf. They are arranged in an
alphabetical order subject to condition that no two books of same subject are
placed together so long as the books of other subjects are available, unless
otherwise mentioned all counting is done from left.
94. How many pairs (Science and Geography book respectively)
are placed together on the shelf:
(1) 5 (2)
6 (3) 7 (4) None of these
95. How many pairs (Science and Literature book respectively)
are placed together on the shelf:
(1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) None of these
96. Correct the following sentence.
Either of the two
boys have stolen my pen.
(1) Two boys have
stolen my pen.
(2) Either of the two boys has stolen my pen.
(3) Either of the two boys stole my pen
(4) Either of the two boy ill steal my pen.
97. Identify the plural form which is incorrect.
(1) Commanders-in-chief (2)
(3) Son-in-laws (4)
DIRECTIONS: Each of the following idioms is followed by
alternative meanings of which one is correct. Write the correct option.
98. A square peg in a round hole:
(1) A person unsuited to the position he fills
(2) A scheme that never works ,
(3) An impossible task
(4) A Herculean task
DIRECTIONS: The words of proverbs and sentences are given in
a jumbled manner. If the words are arranged properly, they make a readable
sentence. Pick a choice which gives the correct sequence of the words
99. Death, before, times, their, cowards, many, die
1, ,2 3,
,4 5, 6, 7
(1) 2431756
(2) 4657123 (3) 5763241 (4) 6375124
100. Fill in the blanks.
In a classroom students are to be trained to love …………..
(1) Each other (2)
All others (3) One another (4) Altogether
101. Fill in the gap with suitable preposition in the
following question:
I kept …………
gazing at him till I remembered who he was.
(1)in (2)
at (3) on (4) out
102. Change the following sentence given in Direct speech
into Indirect Speech and mark correct answer choosing from options
The prince said, “
lt gives me a great pleasure to be there this evening.”
(1)The prince said that it gives him great pleasure to be
there this evening.
(2) The prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there
this evening.
(3) The prince said that it gives him great pleasure to be
there that evening.
(4) The prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be
there that evening.
103. Each word given in the alternatives are matched with its synonym and antonym. One is not correctly matched. Find the one not correctly matched.
Word Synonym Antonym
(1) Abscond Flee
(2) Abate
Suppress Rise
(3) Abash Confused
(4) Acquit
Convict Exonerate
104. Choose the correct answer.
Your clock is…….
hour fast:
(1) The
(2) A (3)An (4) Your
DIRECTIONS: In the following question select the choice with
the similar meaning of the word.
someone who is.
(1) Overly sensitive (2)Aggressive (3) Jealous (4) inexperienced
DIRECTIONS: In the following question a word is followed by
four choices. Select the choice that best explains the meaning of the given
106. Contraband:
(1) Illegal goods
(2) Customs inspector
(3) Money belt (4)
Latin musical group
DIRECTIONS: A word is given. Below are given 4 alternatives
(1), (2), (3) & (4). You have to choose one of the alternatives to indicate
the correct meaning of the word.
107. ‘Persona Non Grata’ means a person who is:
(1)Popular (2)
Grateful (3)Proud (4) Unacceptable
DIRECTIONS: (Question no. 108 to 111) Read the passage and
answer the questions given below.
Bansilal’s train was late and it reached Bombay a little
after midnight. It was his first visit to the city, and he didn’t know where
logo. He thought he would go to a choultry where he would not have to pay rent,
but he did not know how to find one at that hour. He asked a porter to get him
a cheap room. The porter said that if Sansilal gave him three rupees, he would
take him to one. But Bansilal waved him away and walked out of the station. He
wandered through the streets and asked a number of people, but could not find a
room cheap enough for him. He sat down on a park bench to think what he should
do next He was very tired and fell asleep on the bench. He woke up the next
morning stiff in every limb-but he smiled when he realized that it was the
cheapest night’s lodging that he had ever had.
108. From the passage, BansiIaI emerges as:
(1) An extravagant spender
(2) A thrifty person
(3) A fun-loving person
(4) An adventure-seeking person
109. The night long in the open:
(1) Gave him aches all over his body
(2) Refreshed Bansilal
(3) Did not affect him at all
(4) Made his limbs stronger
110. Bansilal could not get any accommodation for the night
(1) All the hotel rooms were booked
(2) The hotels were too expensive for him to afford
(3) He wanted to spend the night in the open
(4) All the hotels in the city were closed.
111. The porter refused to help Bansilal because:
(1) He had no previous acquaintance with the porter
(2) He was rue to the porter
(3) ‘He refused to pay the porter any tips
(4) He spoke a language which the porter could not
112. In following question four spellings are given for a
word. Pick the right choice which
has the correct spelling.
(1) Courageus
(2) Couragious (3)
Courageous (4) Couragous
113. In each of the following groups of words, only one word
is correctly spelt. Select the word
with correct spelling.
(1) gratutious (2)gratutous (3)
gratuitous (4)
114. Change the following sentence into correct passive
They ought not
to blame others.
(1)Others ought not to be blamed by them.
(2) Others should not blame them.
(3) Others should not be blamed by them.
(4) Others ought not be blamed by them.
115 .Choose the correct preposition to fill in the gap:
Shyam lives ………45, Dalal Street.
(1) In (2)
at (3) with (4) for
116. Fill in the blank using the correct tense:
When Shivansh came to the school in 1996, Mr.
Rakesh ………there for seven years.
(1).Has already been teaching
(2) Had already been leaching
(3) Have already been teaching
(4) Will have already been teaching
117. Correct the following sentence.
Coffee is more
preferable to tea.
(1)Coffee is preferable than tea.
(2) Coffee is preferable to tea.
(3) Coffee is preferred as tea.
(4) Coffee as well as lea is preferred.
118. In the question, the sentence has been given in Direct
speech. In the options four changed form of reported speech have been given out
of which one is correct Mark the correct one:
The teacher said, “speak truth always”.
(1) The teacher said that speak truth.
(2) The teacher told speak truth always.
(3) teacher advised to speak truth always.
(4) The teacher requested to speak truth always.
119. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs /
tenses given in bracket.
When I — (have) another look, I — (realize)
the shirt in the laundry — (shrink).
(1) have, will realize, has shrunk
(2) had, realized, had shrunk
(3) had. would realize, is shrinking
(4) have, realized, shrinking
120. Combine the sentence as indicated in the bracket.
He is lazy. He is clever. (Compound)
(1) He is lazy and clever.
(2)”He is lazy but clever.
(3) He is both lazy and clever.
(4) He being clever is lazy.