Tamilnadu forest Uniformed Service, Recruitment Committee, published the official Notification Advertisement No.1/2014 Dated: 22-12-2014 for the recruitment of 181 post of various categories. Application form submission will be started from 2 January 2015 . All interested candidates can fill application form till the last date which is 30 January 2015. vacancies included 148 posts for Forester , 17 posts for forest TN plantation corporation limit TAFCORN, and 16 for Arasu Rubber Corporation limited Arc . Selected foresters of TNFD will be appointed in the pay scale of 9300-34800 and grade pay of rs 4400 . Important recruitment details as are following
Posts Name and no of vacancies
FORESTER Tamil Nadu Forest Department (TNFD) 148
Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. 4400(PB-2)
FORESTER Tamil Nadu Forest Plantation Corporation Limited (TAFCORN) 17
Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. 4400(PB-2)
FIELD ASSISTANT Arasu Rubber Corporation Limited ARC 16
Rs.9300-34800 + G.P. 4200(PB-2)
Eligibility criteria: Age limit: minimum 21 year and maximum age 30 year as on 1 July 2014 .
Education qualification: graduation in science or engineering
Physical stander will be also consider for this recruitment which are
height for male 163 Cm, height for female 150 Cm, Chest for male 79/83
Selection procedure: selection of the eligible candidates will be done through the written test and physical Test. Written exam will be held in 6 centers of Tamil Nadu which are Chennai, Salem, Madurai, Coimbatore, Tirunelveli and Trichy . All qualified candidates in the written exam will be call for physical test .
Physical test : 25 km race for male and 16 km race for female within 4 hours .
Those candidates who will be declared qualified in Walking Test they will b call for personal interview test.
Important dates of the TN Forest Department Recruitment
Official notification date: 22 December 2014
Sale of application form will be started from 2 January 2015
Last date of receipt of the Dully filled application form 30 January 2015
Written exam Date : 22 February 2015
Exam Schedule - Exam Date
Paper - I General Knowledge, Aptitude, Mental ability, data analysis,
Basic English, Tamil Language etc. 10.00 A.M. TO 1.00 P.M
Paper - II General Science 2.00 P.M. TO 5.00 P.M.
Application form fee : rs 60 for application form , rs 262 for examination fee.
How to apply: interested candidates are required to purchase the application form for the posts office of Tamil Nadu state. Candidates can also download information brochure from the official website of forests Tn Nic in which is www.forests.tn.nic.in
After filling application form send the dully filled application form to
“Chief Post Master, Anna Road HO, Chennai-600 002” and

Download official notification in PDF for Complete information http://www.forests.tn.nic.in/graphics/NOTIFICATION-TNFUSRC.pdf