Uttar Pradesh Public service commission recently published
the official
exam calendar / exam Date schedule for the upcoming Recruitment examination
2022. According to official Recruitment Calendar published by UPPSC,
commission this year will conduct a state level written examination for Combined
Junior Engineer General Recruitment examination 2022.
Lok Sewa Ayog will publish the exam date for Sammilit Avar Abhiyanta pariksha. According to official notification, सम्मिलित अवर अभियंता परीक्षा will be conducted shortly. Commission will conduct this examination on two days. All candidates who filled the application form for UPPSC JE post are informed that commission will conduct written examination very soon. Official notification Advertisement will publish for Junior Engineer JE Recruitment in 2022 online at uppsc website.
There are 2747 posts of JE junior Engineer for General Recruitment and 32 posts Backlog / special recruitment for PWD candidates. more then 4 lakh Diploma holder in engineering discipline filled application form for UPPSC JE Vacancy . age Limit for Applying JE was 21 to 40 years .
Posts Details of Junior Engineer JE recruitment लोक सेवा आयोग JE Bharti Vacancy 2022
JE CIVIL Mechanical . Agriculture, TA Civil, Surveyor Civil ,
for Irrigation department, Minor irrigation , Ground water department - 2747
Backlog special recruitment for PWD candidate
Minor Irrigation department / housing and town planning
department UP - 32 posts
Salary : selected candidates for UPPSC JE recruitment will be
appoint dint he pay scale of 9300-34800 and grade pay of rs 4200 .
Selection procedure: selection of the eligible candidates
will be done through the written examination followed by personal interview
test. All those candidates who will be declared qualified in the written
examination they will be call for personal interview test. All Original
certificates shall be verified at the time of interview. UpJob.in brought the
detailed information regarding upcoming UPPSC JE Examination 2022. Hope this
will be helpful in your preparation of junior Engineer examination.
Question Paper pattern Syllabus for Junior Engineer Exam
Question Paper
Question Paper
General Hindi
Civil Engineering Paper-I Or
Mechanical Engg. Paper-I Or
Electrical Engg. Paper-I Or
Agricultural Engg. Paper-I
3 hour
3 hour
Civil Engineering Paper 2
3 hour
| |
3 hour
Mechanical Engg. Paper 2
3 hour
| |
3 hour
Electrical Engg. Paper 2
3 hour
| |
3 hour
Agricultural Engg. Paper 2
3 hour
| |
Personal Interview
E Admit Card for UPPSC JE Junior Engineer Recruitment 2022
All candidates who filled application form for Junior
Engineer posts , are informed that commission will host admit card / call letter
online at the official website of UP PSC. Just like other examination hall
ticket for JE posts will be uploaded before the 14 day from the written
examination. . You can download your admit card from the official website of UPPSC
which is http://uppsc.up.nic.in/AdmitCard.aspx
Very Importation Question for Upcoming Junior Engineer
Examination, important topic for the preparation of Junior Engineer Civil Posts
of UPPSC JE CIVIL Paper 2022
1: explain in details the necessity of irrigation
2 explain the various source of irrigation water
3 name of the various method of irrigation, explain any two
method in detail
4 an irrigation canal has gross command area of 80000,
hectare out of which 85% is suitable for culturalble irrigation. the intensity
of irrigation for kharif season in 30% and for Rabi season 60% , find the
discharge required at the head of the canal if the duty at its head is 800 ,
hectare ./ cumeces for kharif seas and 1700 ,hectare cumces for rabi season
5. define run off and catchments area , what Is infiltration
, explain the factor that affect the inflation from a catchments are
6 explain various method for calculating run off from a
catchments area
7 what you understand by yield of an open well ? What test
are preformed for finding the yield ? Explain any one test
8 Explain the advantage and disadvantage of well irrigation
over canal irrigation
9 explain different type of canal lining along with their
advantage and disadvantage
10 design a line canal to carry a discharge of 15 cumeces ,
the longitudinal slope may take as 1:9000 , assume side slop suitability take
maning constant N as 0.015
10: what are the different type of cross drainage work that
are necessary for canal ? State briefly the condition under which each one is
11 : write short note on syphon , super passage and aquenduct
used in cross drainage works
12 name of the various type of dams, explain about any two of
dam with the help of neat sketches
13 : what do mean by water logging ? what are the main cause
of water logging ? Describe some anti water logging measure
14 write down explain the continuity equation . The diameter
of a pipe at section 1 and 2 are 10 cm and 15 cm respectably. find the discharge
through the pipe if the velocity of water following through the pipe at section
1 is 5m/s
15 : determine the maximum discharge of waiter through a
circular change of diameter 1.5 m when the bed slope of the channal is 1 in
1000 . take C=60
Previous year JE Junior Engineer Examination questions paper,
model sample paper for JE civil posts, and important subject for JE
UPPSC JE Hindi Subject Important Topic for preparation
निम्नलिखित में किसी एक विषय पर लगभग 500 शब्दों में निबंध लिखे 12 marks
Example :
भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था
भूमंडलीकरन का प्रभाव
उत्तर प्रदेश
प्रदूषण समस्या और उसका समाधान
राष्ट्र निर्माण
शकित का योगदान
भारतीय समाज में स्त्रियों
सौर ऊर्जा की उपदेयता
अपठित गद्यांश (उपर्युक्त शीर्षक 1 , भावार्थ 3 , रेखांकित अंशो का आशय 4 marks )
3 marks
विलोम ,
लोकोक्ति का अर्थ तथा वाक्य
प्रयोग , 8 marks
पर्यावाची शब्द 5 marks
शुद्ध करना 3
पत्र लेखन
शब्द 8 marks
Mechanical Engineer Important Question for Upcoming Junior Engineer Avar Abhiyanta pariksha
1 : classify the cam followers according to the motion of
follower , location of axis of the follower and according to the shape of the
par of the follower which is I contact with the cam surface
2 : a simple gear train consists of two gears only. The
driving pinion has 20 teeth and rotates at 600 rpm clock wise . the driven gear
has 60 teeth , module pitch of the meshing pair is 4 mm
A : speed ratio of gear train
B: center distance between the two shafts
C : pitch circle diameters of the gear and pinion
3 draw a stress strain diagram for a low carbon steel tensile
specimen indicating the proportional limit , yield and the ultimate stress ,
what is the significance of percentage elongation of the test specimen ?
4 a solid steel shaft transmits 105 kw at 160 RPm, if the
shaft os 100 mm, diameter, find the torque on the shaft and the maximum shear
stress induced . find also the twist of the shaft in a length of 6 m
Take module of rigidity of the shaft martial as 80 GPA
5 . a 3 m , solid rectangular bar of cross section 10 mm X
15 mm is subjected to a compressive force of 150 Kn, what is the change in
length of the bar ? also find the axial strain and normal stress produced in th
Take E= 2 X 10powr 5 N/ nm power 2
6 distinguish between an alloy and compound give suitable
example of each
7 : classify the steels according to the percentage of carbon
8 : a hole is dimensioned as 25 +0.033 , + 0.00 and the shaft
is dimensioned as 25 -0.040 -0.061 determine the hole tolerance , the shaft
tolerance and allowance of the fit
9 : write down the cause of industrial fire and the measures
to be adopted to control
10 what do you understand by polymerization ? state the
characteristics of long chain polymers , distinguish between thermoplastic and
thermosetting plastics
11 : explain how annealing, normalization and hardening of
steel are carried out, discuss the various objective for carrying out these heat
treatment process
12 sketch a cotter Joint and knuckle joint give one
application of each
13 write short notes on any three of the following
Factory of safety , type of welded joints, theories of
failures , break even analysis
14 : discuss with suitable example, the process of launching
a new product in the market .
15 : manufactures locate near their resource while retailer
locate near their customer , justify this statement with suitable example.
Important question paper for Railway , UPPSC, UPSC, JE Junior Engineer Examination UKPSC
Agriculture engineering Paper 1 model paper sample question
paper , of previous year
1 define between two terms
A internal combustion engine and external combustion engine
B : crank shaft and cam shaft of tractor engine
C : indicate horse power IHP and brake horse power BHP
D : two stroke engine and four stroke engine
E : Average fuel consumption and specific fuel consumption
2 : explain working of a tractor engine with the help of
diagram and mention all important parts used for its working operation
3 : give technical suggestion for maintaining efficient fuel
consumption of a tractor engine
4 explain reason for a tractor having following technical
A : why a tractor has front wheels small and rear wheels
bigger in size
B: why a tractor has exhaust gas pipe in upward direction ,
while a car has the same in lower backward direction ?
C : air pressure in front tyres of tractor is higher but the
same in rear tyres of the tractor is lower
D : tyre thread of front wheels of tractor are circular ring
shape, while tyre thread of rear while of th tractor ar of cu cross shape
E : Tractor body is open all around , while body of a other
vehicle is closed one
5 a four cylinder tractor engine has a cylinder diameter of
20 cms, stroke length of 30 cm, runs at a sped of 150 RPM, with a mean effective
pressure of 7.5 kg / cm square , if th engine fire one per two revolution ,
calculate its indicated horse power
ssc UPPSC JE Exam Date, Admit Card, Question Paper, Syllabus,
Exam pattern UpJob.in
UPPSC Junior Engineer Examination | Avar Abhiyanta bharti
pariksha 2022
9 am to 12 Noon – General Hindi
9 am to 12 Noon – Engineering Subjects 1st
question paper (Civil / Mechanical/ Agriculture / Electrical )
2 Noon to 5 PM Engineering Subjects 2nd
question paper (Civil / Mechanical/ Agriculture / Electrical )
Exam Center - Allahabad and Lucknow
Latest News Update of Upcoming 3000 JE vacancy UPSSSC
Latest News Update of Upcoming 3000 JE vacancy UPSSSC

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Please Suggest any Reference book For preparation For JE CIVIL in UPPSC Irrigation Deptt.
ReplyDeleteAce academy fm and hm vol -1
DeletePlease tell me about j.e civil exam which is to be held on 19th july is of subjective type or objective type, which part is of subjective type and which part is of objective type.
ReplyDeletei have B.tech. degree not diploma, am i eligible for J.E post
ReplyDeleteYes but not for post of je in up
DeleteJE exam will be subjective type
ReplyDeletePaper-1 General Hindi Marks 50
Paper-2 Engg subject Marks -150
Paper -3 Engg subject Marks-150
alll papers are subjective.. do u know it clearly.. as my thinking first hindi n civil engg exam paper will be objective n next second exam which will held next day , this will be in subjective........i m wrong or right. plz reply me. i m also confused
Deleteall the 3 exams are subjective..
DeleteAll the three papers will be of subjective type
ReplyDeletePlease tell me about j.e civil exam which is to be held on 19th july is of subjective type or objective type, which part is of subjective type and which part is of objective type.
ReplyDeleteWhen will be held next JE. .EXAM. ..how can ..I apply. .It. ...pls tell me sir. ..
ReplyDeleteCould u sent me sir previous pepar of irrigation exam.
ReplyDeletePlease tell me about j.e civil exam which is to be held on 19th july is of subjective type or objective type, which part is of subjective type and which part is of objective type.
ReplyDeletePaper-1 General Hindi Marks 50
DeletePaper-2 Engg subject Marks -150
Paper -3 Engg subject Marks-150
Admit card kab milega.......or exam centre kha hoga
ReplyDeleteSir 19 july ki to eid h exam date change hogi kya
ReplyDeleteSir my age seventeen and half....can I fill UPCCS j.e applications form....pls told me sir
ReplyDeleteSir my age seventeen and half ..can I apply UPCCS j.e application Form...pls told me sir
ReplyDeleteAbhi tk roll no. Upload kyo nhi hue hai.
ReplyDeletewhat is Advertisement no
Deleteplz tell me new exam date......
ReplyDeletebtech can apply or not . bcz there is no such information shown in the notification.
ReplyDeletePls tel me new exam date for je
ReplyDeleteplease tell me new exam date
ReplyDeletePlease tell me combined je exam objective hoga ya subjective
ReplyDeleteI am a final year b.Tech Electrical engg student studying in kerala .can i apply?How to apply?
ReplyDeletewe finished btech water resource engginring, we can apply this form please suggeted me.
ReplyDeletePaper-1 General Hindi Marks 50
ReplyDeletePaper-2 Engg subject Marks -150
Form kab fillup hoga
ReplyDeleteIs all 3 papers are subjective?
ReplyDeleteIs all papers are subjective?
ReplyDelete1st april ko admit card aaya hi..☺uppsc ne april fool banaya hi💐
ReplyDeletesir iam prakash ch bouri.not diploma complete preparing to 6sem.. can i je from filp? plz tell me...
ReplyDeleteuptu exam and up je exam are held on same date.what will i do? I am trouble here please suggest me that what will i do?
ReplyDeletePlease send me the SSC JE online apply site.
ReplyDelete7th semester wale students je bhar skte h kya?
ReplyDeleteSir Maine 'THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS (INDIA) se diploma kiya hai kya ye diploma civil je ke sahi hai?