Uttar pradesh Lok Sewa ayog conducted a state level written examination
for the recruitment of Food and Sanitary inspector recruitment examination 2021.
Lok Sewa ayog published Notification ................ for inviting
online application form for different category of the posts. Food and sanitary Inspector
will be appointed in UP Palika Centralized services. There are total no of
vacancies are 128 including various categories. There are total no of vacancies are 128 including
various categories. 128 posts are for Unreserved, 17 post for SC, 7 post for ST,
and 38 post for OBC category. Selected candidates
will be appointed in the pay scale of 9300-3480 and grade pay of rs 4200. more
ten 1 lakh candidates of food Technology/Dairy Technology/Bio-Technology/Oi l Technology/Agriculture
Science/Veterinary Science/Bio- Chemistry/Micro-Biology applied for this vacancy
. Selection of the eligible candidates
will be done through the written examination followed by personal interview test.
Expected Cutoff marks analysis for food and sanitary Inspector
Many of our friends also appeared in the written examination
of 22 march 2015. Written examination was held on in morning shift from 9:30 to
11:30 Am.
Written examination comprise question from the different
subject. Questions were asked from General Study GS , and subject related
question . Maximum question of the pre screening
examination was asked from general science, Current event of national and
international importance, history of India, Indian national Movement,
Indian Politic and economy, world geography and population.
Question of the GS covers all syllabus specified for Food
and sanitary inspector examination. However
difficulty of the question paper was Graduation paper.
Expected Cutoff marks Category wise for candidates call for
personal Interview test
Expected Cutoff marks

Guys what do you think about what will be expected cutoff
marks for Food and Sanitary Inspector recruitment examination. please posts
your views ,and exam experience with us . it would be helpful for other candidates
analyzing there marks .
Note: All Latest News Update of UPPSC Food and Sanitary Inspector Examination 2021 will be updated here.
uppsc food and sanitary inspector exam Question Paper 2021
Note: All Latest News Update of UPPSC Food and Sanitary Inspector Examination 2021 will be updated here.
uppsc food and sanitary inspector exam Question Paper 2021