Bihar Lok sewa Ayog has publish the official recruitment
Notification Vigyapan sankhya ........... for 31st Bihar
nyayik sewa pratiyogita pariksha 2022. All those candidates who hold the eligibility
criteria they can fill application form online at the official website of BPSC.
Bihar Public service commission will publish the notification for inviting
online application form for 221 posts for Bihar Judicial service competitive
examination. Both male and female candidates can fill application form this
vacancy. Important recruitment details of BPSC PCS J Judicial service Civil
Judge Junior division latest recruitment notification as are following.
Post name : Bihar Judicial service Comparative examination
Total no of vacancies : 221
Total no of vacancies : 221
Eligibility criteria: Education qualification: Graduation
Degree in law
Age limit: minimum 22 year and maximum 35 year.
Maximum age for reserved category candidates will be 40 years.
Selection procedure:
selection of the eligible candidates will be based on
through the written examination. Likhit bharti pariksha will contain two
question papers. First question paper will be related from general study
which will carry maximum 100 marks . 2nd question paper will carry 150 marks
and this question paper will be related to Law subject. All questions will be
objective type and mcq based.
Syllabus of the written examination as are following
General knowledge and Current affairs
Elementary General science
Law of evidence and procedure
Constitution and administrative law of India
Hindi law and Muhammadan law
Law of transfer of property and principal of equity
Law of trust and specific relief
Law of contract and torts
Commercial law
Final selection will be based on through the Mains
examination marks and personal interview marks
Compulsory subject of the written examination as are
General Knowledge Current affairs - 150 marks
Elementary general science 100 marks
General Hindi 100
General English 100
Law of evidence and procedure 150
Minimum qualifying marks in Hindi and English subject
will be 30 marks. Without scoring 30 marks candidates will be disqualified
however No marks of Hindi and English subject will be added in final merit list
preparation .
Optional subject
Constitution and administrative law of India 150 marks
Hindi law and Mohammedan law 150 marks
Law of transfer or property , principal of equity and
law of trust and specific relief - 150 marks
Commercial law - 150 marks
Detailed syllabus will be updated here by
Personal interview test will carry maximum 100
marks. Minimum qualifying marks for Personal interview test will be 35%.
How to apply: all eligible candidates can fill
application form online at the official website of BPSC which
After filling application form take a printout and send it
to the official address Commission before the last date 2
Address where to send the print out of application form
Joint secretary cum examination,
Controller, Bihar Public service commission
15 Jawaharlal Nehru marge baily road
Controller, Bihar Public service commission
15 Jawaharlal Nehru marge baily road
Attach all photocopies with challan receipt.
Direct link of application form submission is
Application form fee : rs 150 for SC , ST of Bihar and rs 600
for all category of the candidates. Application form fee will be deposited in
form of challan form of SBI .
Important dates:
Online registration process will be started from –
Last date of application form fee submission is -
Last date of application form fee submission is -
Last date of receipt of application form is -
Download official notification in PDF