Meghalaya Police Commandos Constable Vacancy Post 813
Meghalaya (Shillong) Government has published Notification Memo
No. TAP/ 2016/Recruitment/6, Dated Shillong the ....................... under
Director General of Police for the recruitment of 813 post in Armed Branch for
the Special force -10. Advertisement is for recruiting the posts Commandos/
Constable (for male and female candidates), Mechanics, Signals/Communication
Operators, Drivers, Armourers, Buglers.
Candidates can apply only for one category of post. Last
date for receipt of the application form is ....................The job of
Commandos/ Constables of Special Force-10 (SF-10) is very risky. All the Candidates,
who are Indian citizens domiciled in Meghalaya and able to speak and write at
least one regional language, are only eligible.
Marks obtained by candidates and result will be uploaded in
the department website Written examination date, time and
centre will be decided by Central Recruitment Board (CRB) of Meghalaya
(Shillong). Starting date of the
application form is ........................ and it is an off line form. Candidates can
fill this commando’s job application form through offices of all District
Superintendents of Police and Commandants of MLP Battalions and Principal, PTS
Mawroh Shillong. And other information such as Name of the Post, Total No. of
vacancies, Salary, Eligibility Criteria, Minimum Educational Qualification and
Physical/Height Measurement, Recruitment/Selection Procedure, Syllabus and
Subject for written Examination, How to Apply for Meghalaya Commandos/ Constable
Job and Important Dates for Meghalaya Special Force-10 recruitment are given
Name of the Post, Total No. of vacancies, Salary,
Eligibility Criteria, Minimum Educational Qualification and Physical/Height Measurement:
Post Name/ Rank
No. of Vacancy
Age Limit
Educational Qualification
Physical Measurement
Commandos/ Constable (for male candidates)
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210-9770-EB-270-12200-370- 16270/-
Minimum age- 18 years, Maximum age- 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 10th Class
Height of the male candidates should be 162 cm.
Commandos/ Constable (for female candidates)
As Above
Minimum age- 18 years, Maximum age- 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 10th Class
Height of the male candidates should be 157 cm.
As Above
Age should be in between 18 to 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 10th Class
Height Measurement- for male candidates – 162 cm and for
female candidates – 157 cm
Signals/Communication Operators
As Above
Age should be in between 18 to 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
As Above
Pay Scale of Rs 7700-190- 9030- EB- 250-11280- 340-15020/-
Age should be in between 18 to 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class
As Above
As Above
Age should be in between 18 to 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class
As Above
As Above
Age should be in between 18 to 21 years
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class
As Above
Total Vacant seats |
= 813
Recruitment/Selection Procedure: Selection Process will contain many steps for
selecting candidates such as Physical Measurement test (PMT), Physical
efficiency Test (PET), Registration and Authentication of candidates, Medical
Test, Written Examination for the various post, Test for the Specialized job
and 10 km race for male candidates will have to be completed within 50 minutes
and 5.5 Km race for female candidates within 34 minutes. And Maximum marks will be 450 marks; test wise
marks are given below
Physical Efficiency test- 250 Marks
Written exam- 150 Marks
Interview – 50 Marks
Syllabus and Subject for written Examination: There will be
only one question paper based on MCQ type questions. Max. Marks for written
test will be 150 marks. Paper will contain the subjects like basic knowledge of
English, basic Arithmetic and general awareness.
How to Apply for Commandos/ Constable Job:
Candidates can apply this application form only offline mode
and through offices of all District Superintendents of Police and Commandants
of MLP Battalions and Principal, PTS Mawroh Shillong by paying the Rs 50/-
Application Form Fee: Rs 50/- is the application fees.
Important Dates:
Stating date of the application form for Commandos/ Constable Service
Closing date of the application form for Police and
Commandants recruitments
Download official recruitment Notification in PDF
Meghalaya (SHILLONG) Government has published a notification
Advertisement Memo No. Tap/ Recruitment/4, Dated Shillong the .......................... for the recruitment of
Police (SI, constable and other posts) for Meghalaya state, Administrated by Director
General of Police, (TAP) and Chairman, Central Recruitment Board (CRB)
Meghalaya (Shillong).
There are five categories for the post of police job but Candidates
can apply for only one category of post that is UBSI or ABSI or UB Group or AB
Group or Follower Group. Total vacant seats are 1608, in which 100 posts are
for UB Sub Inspector, 25 for AB Sub
Inspector, 631 post for various post of
UB Group, 834 posts for various post of AB Group and 16 post are for follower
For more details like exam date, admit card/ call letter regarding
Meghalaya SHILLONG Police recruitment 2021 Candidates can check the website of
Meghalaya police department the application form for
MegPolice job is an offline form. And available from .....................through offices of all district Superintendents of Police and Commandments of
MLP Battalions and Principal, PTS mawroh, SHILLONG. Other information like Name
of the Post, Total No. of Vacancies Eligibility Criteria, Minimum Educational
Qualification, Physical Measurements and Salary for Police Service,
Recruitment/Selection Procedure, How to Apply, Application Fee and important
dates are given below
Name of the Post, Total No. of Vacancies Eligibility
Criteria, Minimum Educational Qualification,
Physical Measurements and Salary for Police Service:
for Category 1 post
Post Name
No. of Vacancy
Educational Qualification
Eligibility Criteria
Physical Measurements
UB Sub Inspector (UBSI)
Pay Scale of Rs 14100- 350- 16550-EB-460-20690- 620-
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 20 to 27 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
for Category 2 post
AB Sub Inspector (ABSI)
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 20 to 27 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
For Category 3 Posts
(UB Group) (There are 5 sub categories)- 631 post – pay scale will be
same for all that is
Unarmed Branch Constable
Pay Scale of Rs 8300- 210- 9770- EB- 270- 12200- 370-
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
Driver Firemen
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
MPRO Operators/ Signals Operators
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 12th Class
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
For Category 4 Posts
(AB Group) (There are 9 sub categories)- 834 post – pay scale will be
same for all that is
Armed Branch Constable
Pay Scale of Rs 8300- 210- 9770- EB- 270- 12200- 370-
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
State Battalion Constable &IRBN Constable
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
Handyman Constables
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
Rider Constables
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
MPRO (General Duty) Constables
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
Driver Constables
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
As Above
Candidates must have the degree of 9th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 21 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
For Category 5 Posts
(Follower Group)
Follower of DEF/ State Battalions including IRBN
Pay Scale of Rs 6500-160- 7620-EB- 210-9510- 290- 12700/-
Candidates must have the degree of 5th Class only
Age limit should be in between 18 to 27 years
Height should
be- For Male candidates – 162 cm, For
Female Candidates- 157 cm
Total Seats – 1608
Recruitment/Selection Procedure: There will be only three steps
for selecting candidates for various categories of post of Meghalaya police
job, among Physical Efficiency Test, written test, trade test and interview.
For all the examination total marks will be 450 Marks. And candidates will also
go through Medical test, Physical measurement test (PMT) and Physical
efficiency test (PET). And there will be 5 km race for male candidates for
which maximum time limit is 24 minutes and 3 km race for female candidates,
should be completed within 14 minutes.
Subject, Syllabus, Pattern, Type for Written Examination for
all categories Post:
After qualifying PMT and PET test candidates are able to
attend written exam, for which more details are given below
Name of the post/Category
No. of Questions Papers
Total Marks
Total time/Duration
Syllabus and Subject
For UBSIs Post
3 papers
150 + 50 + 100 = 300 Marks
90 Minutes +30 Minutes + 60 Minutes = 3 hours
1st Question paper will be based on General English. 2nd
question paper will b based on Math, reasoning and basic science of
matriculation standard. And 3rd on General knowledge of Meghalaya.
For ABSI post
3 papers
55 + 40 + 55 = 150 Marks
90 Minutes +45 Minutes + 60 Minutes = 3 hours 15 minutes
1st Question paper will be based on General English. 2nd
question paper will be based on Math, reasoning and basic science of
matriculation standard. And 3rd on General knowledge of Meghalaya.
For UB Group post
3 papers
100+ 100+ 100= 300 Marks
There is no information about time limit.
1st Question paper will be based on English Grammar and
usage. 2nd question paper will be based on Math and basic science. And 3rd on
General knowledge.
For AB Group post
Only one question paper
150 Marks (MCQ type question paper)
There is no information about time limit.
Question paper will be based on basic knowledge of
English, Arithmetic and General Awareness.
For Follower Group
There will be only trade test of 150 marks.
How to Apply for Meg police: Application form will be available
in between ....................... through offices of all district Superintendents
of Police and Commandments of MLP Battalions and Principal, PTS mawroh,
Application Fee: Rs
50/- only.
Important Dates:
Starting date for distribution of the application form-
Last date for receiving the application form –
Download official recruitment Notification Recruitments/2016/ advertisement_for_recruitment_ in_meghalaya_police_2016.pdf
Meghalaya (Shillong) Government has published a notification
Advertisement Memo No. TAP/2016/ Recruitment/1, Dated Shillong the 18th
February, 2016 for recruiting sub inspectors of 5 different categories that is
UB Sub Inspectors, AB Sub Inspectors, AB Group, UB Group and, Follower Group under the DG Prisons/ Addl.
Director General of Police, (TAP) & Chairman, Central Recruitment Board (CRB).
There are various post under five categories, total no. of vacancies are 1425
(tentative) which is categorized as
AB Group- 738, UB Group – 576, UBSI (UB Sub Inspectors) -80,
ABSI (AB Sub Inspectors) – 20, Follower Group – 11. Candidates can fill the
application form only for one category that is for only AB Group or, only UB
Group or only UBSI or only ABSI. Selection Process/ Recruitment Procedure
contain 3 stages Physical Efficiency test (PET), Written Exam and interview
with the Total Marks- 450 Marks. Candidates can get more information on Latest
Recruitment Policy Document and download their call letters/ Admit card from
the website of Police Department, which is
For more knowledge on Director General of Police, Central
Recruitment Board (CRB) such as Name of the Post, Category, Salary, Eligibility
Criteria, Educational Qualification, Age Limit, Physical Measurements test,
Examination/ Application Fee, How to Apply, Important Date and Question Paper
pattern, Syllabus and Subject for written examination for all categories post
that is ABSI, UBSI, AB, UB and Follower group etc are given below
Name of the Post, Category, Salary and Total no. of
Name of the Category
Name of the Post
Total no. of Vacancies
UBSI (UB Sub Inspectors)
UBSI (UB Sub Inspectors)
Pay Scale of Rs
+ Allowance.
ABSI (AB Sub Inspectors)
ABSI (AB Sub Inspectors)
Pay Scale of Rs 14100-350-16550-EB-460-20690-620-27510/- +
UB Group
Unarmed Branch Constable
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370-
16270/- + Allowance.
UB Group
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370-
16270/- + Allowance.
UB Group
Driver Fireman
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370-
16270/- + Allowance.
UB Group
MPRO Operators / Signals Operators
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370-
16270/- + Allowance.
UB Group
Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370-
16270/- + Allowance.
AB Group
Armed Branch Constable
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
State Battalion Constable and IRBN Constable
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
Handyman Constables
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
Rider Constable
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
MPRO (General Duty) Constable
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs 7700-190-9030-EB-250-
11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
Driver Constable
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
AB Group
For matriculates
-Pay Scale of Rs 8300-210- 9770-EB- 270-12200- 370- 16270/- + Allowance. And
For Non matriculates (9th passed) – Pay Scale of Rs
7700-190-9030-EB-250- 11280- 340- 15020/- + Allowance
Follower Group
Followers of DEF/ State Battalions including IRBN
Pay Scale of Rs
6500- 160- 7620- EB- 210- 9510- 290- 12700/- + Allowance
Eligibility Criteria, Educational Qualification, Age and
Physical Measurements Test for SIs Recruitment:
Candidates must belong to Meghalaya state (India) only and
should be able to speak and write at least one regional language. Other
parameter are given below
Name of the Post / Rank
Age Limits
Educational Qualification
Physical Measurements (Height)
Unarmed Branch Constable / Fireman/ Driver Fireman/ MPRO
operator/ IRBN Signal Operators/ Mechanics
18 to 21 years
12th passed
For Male Candidates (other tribes of Meghalaya including
ST – 157 cm) and for others 162 cm.
For Female
Candidates (other tribes of Meghalaya including ST –152 cm) and for others 157 cm
Armed Branch Constable / Driver Constable, Handymen,
Battalion Constable including IRBN
18 to 21 years
9th Passed
Not Applicable
18 to 27 years
5th passed
Not Applicable
20 to 27 years
Degree in any stream
For Male Candidates (other tribes of Meghalaya including
ST – 157 cm) and for others 162 cm.
For Female
Candidates (other tribes of Meghalaya including ST –152 cm)
and for others 157 cm
Selection/ Recruitment Procedure: There are 5 categories,
and all the categories have three rounds for selecting candidates that is
Physical Efficiency Test (PET), Written Examination, and Interview, with
different marks and total marks will be same for all the categories which will
450. Selection process is given below
Name of the Post and Category
Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
Written Examination
Total Marks
UBSI (for the post of UB Sub Inspectors)
100 Marks
300 Marks
50 Marks
UB Group ( for the post of
UB constable , fireman, driver fireman , IRBN signal operators and
MPRO operators)
100 Marks
300 Marks
50 Marks
ABSI ( for the post of AB Sub Inspectors)
250 Marks
150 Marks
50 Marks
AB Group (for the post of AB constable, Battalion
Constables, Handyman Constables, Driver Constables, Mechanics and MPRO
General Duty Constables)
250 Marks
150 Marks
50 Marks
Follower Group
250 Marks
150 Marks
50 Marks
Physical Measurement Test (PMT)- Candidates must maintain Height
requirement which is prescribed above.
Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Training – 5km race for
male candidates in 24 minutes while 3 km race for female candidates in 14
minutes and this will applicable on all categories that is ABSI, UBSI, AB, UB and Follower group.
Question Paper pattern and Syllabus for written examination
for all categories post that is ABSI, UBSI, AB, UB and Follower group: After qualifying in PET test candidates are
able to give written exam according to which
Name of the Post and Category
Subject and
Syllabus for Paper1st
Subject and Syllabus for Paper 2nd
Subject and
Syllabus for Paper 3rd
Total Marks
Total Time
UBSI (for the post of UB Sub Inspectors)
General English (précis writing, essay writing, Drafting )
and English grammer of 10th standard of 150 marks in 90 minutes.
Mathematics, reasoning and basic science of matriculation
standard of 50 marks in 30 minutes.
General Knowledge based on Meghalaya of 100 marks in 60
150 marks + 50
marks +100 marks = 300 Marks
90 minute + 30 minute +
60 minute = 3 hours
UB Group ( for the post of
UB constable , fireman, driver fireman , IRBN signal operators and
MPRO operators)
English Grammar and usage of 100 marks
Arithmetic / Eliminatory Science of 100 marks.
General Knowledge of 100 marks.
300 Marks
3 hours
ABSI ( for the post of AB Sub Inspectors)
General English (précis writing, essay writing, Drafting)
and English grammar of 10th standard of 55 marks in 90 minutes.
Mathematics, reasoning and basic science of matriculation
standard of 40 marks in 45 minutes.
General Knowledge based on Meghalaya of 55 marks in 60 minutes
55 marks + 40 marks + 55
marks = 150 marks
90 minute + 45
minute + 60 minute = 3 hours 15 minutes
AB Group (for the post of AB constable, Battalion
Constables, Handyman Constables, Driver Constables, Mechanics and MPRO
General Duty Constables )
There will be only one Paper of 150 marks based on MCQ
(Multiple Choice Question) with the subjects Elementary and basic knowledge
of English, basic arithmetic and basic General awareness.
Follower Group
There will be no written test only Trade test of 150
Interview: After qualifying written test candidates are able
to face interview of 50 marks.
How to Apply for Meghalaya Police:
Candidates can fill the online application form from the
15/3/2016 by clicking on the website of Meghalaya Police.
Candidates must pay only Rs 50/- as a application fee.
Candidates can fill the application form only for one
category that is for only AB Group or, only UB Group or only UBSI or only ABSI.
For more information candidates can consult from the website
of Meghalaya (Shillong) Police

Important Dates:
Starting Date for online application form –
Last/ Closing date for online Submission of the application
form –
Written Examination date or PET test date or PMT Test date
or Interview date is not declared yet.
Download Advertisement for recruitment of UB/AB Sub-Inspectors/Constables/Firemen/MPRO Operators/Mechanics/Buglers etc in Meghalaya Police for the year 2021
Download Advertisement for recruitment of UB/AB Sub-Inspectors/Constables/Firemen/MPRO Operators/Mechanics/Buglers etc in Meghalaya Police for the year 2021