
UP Lower 2 Expected Cutoff marks 2022 UPSSSC Official Cutoff Mark Data Result

Uttar Pradesh subordinate service selection commission has conducted written examination for Lower PCS 2 (sammilit Rajya Adhinasth Seva samanya pratiyogita pariksha 2022. Notification for lower PCS 2022 vigyapan Sankhya 01 pariksha / 2022 was published in 2022 for the recruitment of 672 posts of lower PCS.

This examination was held on 15 districts of UP which are Agra, Aligarh, ayodhya, Bareilly, Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad, Jhansi, Kanpur nagar, Lucknow, muzaffarnagar, muradabad, Prayagraj, Saharanpur, and Varanasi.

 Examination was held on ................ in 2 shifts. Morning shift examination was held from 10 a.m. to 12 noon and evening shift examination was held on 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Examination was held through offline mode.

Selection process
Selection process will be based on through the preliminary examination and mains examination. Both pre and mains examination will be objective type and MCQ based. Examination will be held offline mode. Preliminary examination was held for screening purpose only. This examination will be held for screen the candidate for mains examination. Marks obtained by the candidates in the pre examination of UPsssc lower PCS prelims examination will not added in the final merit list preparation.
 Total 672 post will be filled for five department of UP.

 Question paper Pattern of UP lower PCS pre examination 2022

The pattern of the test was as follows:

Number of Question
First paper

General Intelligence Test
General Knowledge
General science / Math
General Hindi

Total time duration: 2 hours

Minus Marking: negative marking is applicable in this examination for each incorrect answer 1/4 mark will be deducted as a minus marking.

Question paper analysis and expected cut off marks prediction

General intelligence test –
Total 25 questions were asked from general intelligence test which will carry maximum 50 marks. Questions of the general intelligence were asked from verbal and nonverbal reasoning, general mental ability, decision making, analytical graph, diagram, table related questions, the conclusion and statement related questions were asked in the general intelligence test.
 Questions of the general intelligence test were moderate level of difficulty. We think you can easily attempt from 15 to 18 questions from the section.
Some of the questions were time consuming.
This year there was a question set based on circular sitting arrangement but not around a circle, rather around a square table with 4 people sitting on the sides of the square and 4 people sitting on the 4 corners of the square. Besides that there was a question based on finding the pair of letters in a word “SHARPLY” which have the same number of letter between them as in the alphabetical series.

 The detailed break up of questions is as follows –
Circular Arrangement (Square)
Linear Sitting Arrangements (in two parallel rows)
Linear Arrangement (8 Floors)
Matrix Arrangement
Mathematical Inequality
Critical Reasoning – Strong & Weak Argument
Critical Reasoning – Probable Reason
Critical Reasoning – Inference
Critical Reasoning – Conclusion
Alphabetical Order
Coding – Decoding
Data Sufficiency

General knowledge
Questions of general knowledge will carry maximum 50 marks for 100 questions. Questions of general knowledge asked from computer introduction, hardware, software, computer network, internet, email, and special knowledge of of UP culture, agriculture of UP, population, trade, commerce, industry, and social ritual of UP etc
Questions were asked from interpersonal skill communication skill, problem solving etc. questions of the history and Indian national movement was difficult however questions of geography were easy.   Candidates have not faced much problem in solving geography questions.
 Political science and Constitution question were related to panchayati Raj, constitution of India, community development Indian, political system etc. economic questions was easy however in national and international importance current affair sports question was also asked in this examination.
 Maximum number of questions was asked from agriculture, agriculture product of India,

General science and arithmetic
Questions of general science were related from daily observation and experiences. Total 50 questions were asked from general science and mathematics subject which we carry maximum 100 marks.
 Mathematics questions were difficulty level matriculation level in which in which questions.  
This section primarily saw moderate level of questions. A student should have attempted at least 25 questions.

In general, this section was of easy to moderate difficulty level. This section was a good mix of all type of questions which include questions of Arithmetic (Time and Work, Boats & Streams, CI/SI, Percentage etc.), Number Series and Data Interpretation that include Pie Chart, Line Chart, and Table etc. The DI questions were relatively less difficult in comparison to previous IBPS Exams.
A well prepared would have attempted 42 questions easily in this section.

Comparison of Variables
Profit, Loss and Discount
Simple Interest / Compound Interest
Time, Speed and Distance
Time and Work
Boats and Steams
Series – Next Number
Mixture and Alligation
Data Interpretation - Line Graph
Data Interpretation – Table
Data Interpretation – Pie Chart
Data Sufficiency

General Hindi
 Hindi questions of general Hindi will carry maximum 50 marks for 25 questions. A question of general Hindi was easy. You can easily attend 20 questions from Hindi section. Maximum number of questions was asked from unseen passage, noun, pronoun, muhavra, lokokti,

Expected cut off marks for lower PCS examination 2022
 As per as our analysis of question paper, we found that question paper was moderate level of difficulty. According to us cut off marks will be as our following for lower PCS examination 2022.
 Cut off marks is just published for instant use only, when official cut off mark data lower PCS examination will be published by UPSSSC it will be also provided to you here.
 So don't forget to subscribe this website for receiving the latest information of of UP lower 2 expected cut off marks 2022

Recently published the answer key and question paper solution for up lower Subordinate Bharti pariksha.  On the basis of that answer sheet we held a online survey regarding what will be expected cutoff marks for lower subordinate service of Up lower PCS.  Many of aspirants shared their view regarding the question paper of lower subordinate 2022  On the basis of lower subordinate service we got few conclusions regarding how the examination of lower subordinate service was.

Cutoff marks

If you think cutoff will be different then you can also share your expected cutoff marks with category.

Upsssc sammilit Avar adhinasth sewa / lower subordinate official Cutoff marks data 2022
Advertisement No 02-pariksha/2022 posts 214 exam date 

Freedom Fighter
Ex service man

Amod avam pankar nirikshak, tax office, salaried platoon commanded, block organized
Sahayak Udyan Nirikshak

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  1. I need to see the actual expected cuttoff marks of lower subordinate 1 held on 28 Feb 2016 as I have applied for various posts in which 1 year experience is needed too.. Many candidates has applied for only graduate and freshers post in lower subordinate 1.

  2. My 86questions are correct in lower2exam of sc cateogry

  3. 123 marks lower 2 held on 28 july 2019
    Any hope..for next stage..sub physics

  4. उत्तर प्रदेश lower pcs exams paper Analysis����������

    रीजनिंग के प्रश्न समय लेने वाले एवं उलझाऊ, साइंस + जीएस अपेक्षाकृत सरल, हिन्दी औसत।
    समसामयिकी के प्रश्नों की संख्या अधिक।
    यूपी स्पेशल, अंतरवैयक्तिक कौशल,कृषि,जनगणना के प्रश्न नदारद।
    निष्कर्षत: पेपर औसत ।
    समय प्रबंधन अच्छे से हो गया
    तो स्कोर बहुत अच्छा रहने की संभावना ( लोवर पीसीएस)

    ये है analysis ��

    हिन्दी ������ उत्तर प्रदेश लोअर PCS. Analysis

    वर्णमाला से पार्श्विक कोंन सा होता है
    उपसर्ग - प्रति
    प्रतय बैठक में कोंन सा है
    जीभ से कोंन सा नही बोला जाता अग्र , पश्चय, मध्य ठीक थे
    बोली से अवधि किस भाषा से बनी
    फीस माप करने के लिये लेटर का प्रकार
    किसी अधिकारी के सिग्नेचर लेटर पर कहा होंगे
    - दाई ओर नीचे
    गूलर का फूल होना मुहावरा
    पृथ्वीराज रासो किस काल थे आदिकाल
    नागार्जुन की रचना नही है
    लोकोक्तियों से 3 क्वेश्चन
    दूध का दूध पानी - सही न्याय करना
    स्त्रीलिंग - केतली
    थूक कर चाटना - वचन से फिर जाना
    एक पर्यावाची
    पैराग्राफ से 4 क्वेश्चन
    विलोम शब्द में 4 ऑप्शन में से गलत कोंन सा है
    2 बुक के लेखक

    GS��������and up special
    महात्मा गांधी जी को राषटीय पिता किसने कहा
    कोनसा जल में घुलनसिल विटामिन है
    मूल कर्तव्य की संख्या
    शांति सियोल पुरस्कार किसे दिया गया
    विल्लोर विध्रोह का सन
    अंग्रेजो रणजीत सिंग से संधि कब की थी सन
    ब्रम समाज की स्थापना किनसे की
    कृषि मंत्री सेंटर में जुलाई 2019 में
    विटामिन c का स्त्रोत
    विटामिन D से होने वाला रोग
    निकट दृष्टि दोष को क्या बोलते है
    विटामिन बी5 का नाम
    प्रतिबल का मात्रक
    समय का मात्रक
    एक्सरे की खोज किसने की थी
    लखनऊ में राजनाथ जी ने किसको हराया था
    RCB का कोच
    UP सयुक्त प्रान्त से उत्तर प्रदेश कब बनाया गया
    उत्तर प्रदेश दिवस कब मनाया जाता है
    तमिलनाडू में एक मेडिकल कॉलेज बनया किस जिले में
    कलमन्युर वन्य जीव अभ्यारण कहा है
    उत्तर भारत की एक नदी का
    उत्तर प्रदेश lower pcs exams paper Analysis����������

    Arvind kashyap��������

    रीजनिंग के प्रश्न समय लेने वाले एवं उलझाऊ, साइंस + जीएस अपेक्षाकृत सरल, हिन्दी औसत।
    समसामयिकी के प्रश्नों की संख्या अधिक।
    यूपी स्पेशल, अंतरवैयक्तिक कौशल,कृषि,जनगणना के प्रश्न नदारद।
    निष्कर्षत: पेपर औसत ।
    समय प्रबंधन अच्छे से हो गया
    तो स्कोर बहुत अच्छा रहने की संभावना ( लोवर पीसीएस)

    ये है analysis ��

    हिन्दी ������ उत्तर प्रदेश लोअर PCS. Analysis

    वर्णमाला से पार्श्विक कोंन सा होता है
    उपसर्ग - प्रति
    प्रतय बैठक में कोंन सा है
    जीभ से कोंन सा नही बोला जाता अग्र , पश्चय, मध्य ठीक थे
    बोली से अवधि किस भाषा से बनी
    फीस माप करने के लिये लेटर का प्रकार
    किसी अधिकारी के सिग्नेचर लेटर पर कहा होंगे
    - दाई ओर नीचे
    गूलर का फूल होना मुहावरा
    पृथ्वीराज रासो किस काल थे आदिकाल
    नागार्जुन की रचना नही है
    लोकोक्तियों से 3 क्वेश्चन
    दूध का दूध पानी - सही न्याय करना
    स्त्रीलिंग - केतली
    थूक कर चाटना - वचन से फिर जाना
    एक पर्यावाची
    पैराग्राफ से 4 क्वेश्चन
    विलोम शब्द में 4 ऑप्शन में से गलत कोंन सा है
    2 बुक के लेखक

    GS��������and up special
    महात्मा गांधी जी को राषटीय पिता किसने कहा
    कोनसा जल में घुलनसिल विटामिन है
    मूल कर्तव्य की संख्या
    शांति सियोल पुरस्कार किसे दिया गया
    विल्लोर विध्रोह का सन
    अंग्रेजो रणजीत सिंग से संधि कब की थी सन
    ब्रम समाज की स्थापना किनसे की
    कृषि मंत्री सेंटर में जुलाई 2019 में
    विटामिन c का स्त्रोत
    विटामिन D से होने वाला रोग
    निकट दृष्टि दोष को क्या बोलते है
    विटामिन बी5 का नाम
    प्रतिबल का मात्रक
    समय का मात्रक
    एक्सरे की खोज किसने की थी
    लखनऊ में राजनाथ जी ने किसको हराया था
    RCB का कोच
    UP सयुक्त प्रान्त से उत्तर प्रदेश कब बनाया गया
    उत्तर प्रदेश दिवस कब मनाया जाता है
    तमिलनाडू में एक मेडिकल कॉलेज बनया किस जिले में
    कलमन्युर वन्य जीव अभ्यारण कहा है
    उत्तर भारत की एक नदी का निक नेम
    पूर्वांचल वे की कुल लंबाई नेम
    पूर्वांचल वे की कुल लंबाई
