Many of out friend some times faces problem regarding how save your personal documents , application form , Admit card , Results etc in PDF file. PDF is acronym of Portable Document Format which is used for various purposes. PDF has facility of capturing all the elements of printed document as an electronic image that you view, navigate, print or forward someone else without facing any problem. Usually PDF files are created using Adobe acrobat, acrobat capture or similar shofare which is not free and you are requiring purchase it online. Now a questions is raise that if we can save our document in Image , HTML , or DOC . Test or any other format then what is the use of PDF file for saving your documentation.

Trusted Security: Even legal professionals trust PDF as their preferred file format. an electronic document to be admissible in a court of law, it must be created in a file format that cannot be altered without leaving an electronic footprint. PDFs satisfy that need.
Another best usage of PDF are :
Adobe acrobat reader is available free of cost. You are required to install Acrobat reader for viewing your documents. Suppose you have created your document in DOC another computer doesn’t have Microsoft word than you can’t see your document. But if you create document in PDF then you can easily view it on PC, on Mobile or any other devices.
- Free mobile access
- Quick search facility
- Interactive document
- Password protection
- Encrypted documentation facility
- Reduce size of original document.
How save your document in PDF file
Every day need we want save our document without using any printer many of them don’t have a printer but want to print our document then we are required to install free software or plugin for creating document in PDF.
Software which can create file in PDF in windows xp
CutePDF : CutePDF is a proprietary Portable Document Format converter and editor for Microsoft Windows developed by Acro Software. You can download Cute PDF software from
After installing it now you can create any document in PDF file. When you are going to print any document just select cutepdf as a default printer for easily saving your document, admit card, call letter, or any other scanned document in PDF.
Use Google chrome browser for saving your document in PDF
If you want save your document, application form or any other document in PDF then just click CTRL + P (printer shortcut )or go print option.
Then select: Destination - Save as PDF
Now you can save your document without any software.
To enable Acrobat Create PDF extension in Firefox:
Open Tool > add-ons > get Add-ons >
Search pdf print
Install any plug-in like Print friendly & PDF , Print edit , Print etc for saving your document in PDF
Save document in Windows 10
you can save your document in PDF via using default windows PDF printer which comes with windows 10 . you can see it in printer option of control panel.
Very useful... thanks for the tips :-)