Uttar Pradesh basic shiksha parishad now going to start
transfer of Anudeshak of Upper primary schools of Up. Transfer process of instructor posts of UPS
schools of basic shiksha parishad has been started. This is very good
opportunity for the Anudeshak, who want change their schools. Due to this
decision, instructors of Parishadiya ucch Prathmik vidyalaya are very happy. All
Art Education, Physical and health education, and work experience anudeshak are
eligible for transfer on mutual basis. Applicants are required to find another
partner who
want change their school, after that school will be changed mutually. Currently these anudeshak are working in government upper primary school on fixed honorarium of rs 7000 per month.
want change their school, after that school will be changed mutually. Currently these anudeshak are working in government upper primary school on fixed honorarium of rs 7000 per month.
- Transfer will be done on subject basis of cocnered schools where you want your transfer.
- Transfer process will be completed before the last date December 2021
- Transfer process will be completed by the District level committee under the Chairmanship of CDO , and BSA, finance officer SSA,
- Physically Handicapped, Female and Male, Un married Female, will get priority in mutual Transfer of anudeshak.
- latest Anudeshak job notification 2022
How to apply: all eligible candidates who want their
transfer, they are required to fill application form in prescribed application
form format which is published with GO / Shasanadesh. Upjob.in al brought the
exclusive government order and application form proforma for this Transfer.
After filling prescribed application form, submit the dully
filed application form for to the cocnered Zila basic shiksha adhikari
UP 32022 Anudeshak Recruitment Notification 2022
UP 32022 Anudeshak Recruitment Notification 2022
Important Dates of Up Basic Education Anudeshak Transfer
Last date of application form submission
December 2021
Scrutiny of the dully filed application form
January 2022
Approval of the Transfer, publishing final transfer List, and
allotment Order will be issued
January 2022
UP BPED Job Recruitment News for 32000 Anudeshak Posts 2022