Andhra pradesh public service commission APPSC Hyderabad published the official recruitment notification no 36/2016 dated 30/2016 for group I services general recruitment 2017. All eligible candidates who hold the eligibility criteria for AP group I service they can fill application form online at the official website of PSC AP gov. last date of application form submission is 31 January 2017. Selection of the eligible candidates will be based on through the written examination followed mains examination and personal interview test. Pre test will be held on 7 may 2017 and mains examination will be held on 17 august 2017 to 27 august 2017.
Important recruitment details as are following
Posts name and No of vacancy as are followingImportant recruitment details as are following
- Deputy Collectors in A.P. Civil Service (Executive Branch) 05
- Commercial Tax Officers in A.P. Commercial Taxes Service. 13
- District Registrar in A.P. Registration and Stamps Service 06
- Deputy Supdt. of Police (Civil) Cat-2 in A.P. Police Service 24
- Assistant Prohibition & Excise Superintendent in A.P. Prohibition & Excise Service 10
- District B.C. Welfare Officer in A.P B.C. Welfare Service 02
- Municipal Commissioner Grade-II in A.P. Municipal Administration Service 08
- Assistant Commissioner of Labour in A.P Labour Service. 10
5693 Government Job In Andhra Pradesh 2017
Eligibility Criteria: Education qualification: Bachelor’s Degree
Age limit – 18 -42 year as on 1 July 2016
Selection process: selection of the eligible candidates will be based on through the written examination followed by personal interview test.
Screening test /Preliminary Examination will be held all District Centers. However, the
Commission reserves the right either to increase or decrease the number of Centers.
95 appsc ASSISTANT STATISTICAL OFFICER ASO notification 2017
1055 appsc panchayat secretary notification 2017
5693 Government Job In Andhra Pradesh 2017
Eligibility Criteria: Education qualification: Bachelor’s Degree
Age limit – 18 -42 year as on 1 July 2016
Selection process: selection of the eligible candidates will be based on through the written examination followed by personal interview test.
Screening test /Preliminary Examination will be held all District Centers. However, the
Commission reserves the right either to increase or decrease the number of Centers.
Screening Test(Objective Type)
General Studies & Mental Ability. (150 Questions,150 Minutes) 150 marks
Main Examination (Conventional Type
Paper General English (10th Standard-Qualifying for Interviews) 150 marks

Paper-I. General Essay 150
i. History and Cultural Heritage of India with Emphasis on 20th Century History of India.
ii. Social History of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh
iii. General overview of the Indian Constitution
Paper-III: 150 marks
i) Planning in India & Indian Economy
ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after Independence
iii) Andhra Pradesh Economy present status, its strengths and weaknesses
Paper-IV: 150 marks
i) The role and Impact of Science & Technology in the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects
ii) General awareness with the modern trends in life sciences.
iii) Development and environmental problems
Paper-V: 150 marks
Data appreciation and Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Problem solving
i) Data analysis and Interpretation of diagrammatic data
ii) Logical Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude and
iii) Passage Analysis
Screening Test(Objective Type)
General Studies & Mental Ability. (150 Questions,150 Minutes) 150 marks
Main Examination (Conventional Type
Paper General English (10th Standard-Qualifying for Interviews) 150 marks

Paper-I. General Essay 150
i. History and Cultural Heritage of India with Emphasis on 20th Century History of India.
ii. Social History of Andhra Pradesh i.e., the history of various social and cultural movements in Andhra Pradesh
iii. General overview of the Indian Constitution
Paper-III: 150 marks
i) Planning in India & Indian Economy
ii) Land Reforms and social changes in Andhra Pradesh after Independence
iii) Andhra Pradesh Economy present status, its strengths and weaknesses
Paper-IV: 150 marks
i) The role and Impact of Science & Technology in the development of India with emphasis on the applied aspects
ii) General awareness with the modern trends in life sciences.
iii) Development and environmental problems
Paper-V: 150 marks
Data appreciation and Interpretation, Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude and Problem solving
i) Data analysis and Interpretation of diagrammatic data
ii) Logical Reasoning & Quantitative Aptitude and
iii) Passage Analysis
1. Events of National and International importance.
2. Current affairs - International, National and Regional.
3. General Science and its applications to the day to day life and Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and Information Technology
4. Geography - World, National and Andhra Pradesh
5. History of India Ancient, Medieval, Modern –socio-cultural, Economic and political affairs with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.
6. Indian Polity and Governance; Constitutional issues, public policy formulation and implementation, Governance Reforms and e-governance initiatives.
7. Economic development in India since Independence- role of planning; Planning Commission, Niti Ayog, India’s economic problems such as poverty and unemployment, agrarian crisis, irrigation and water, sustainable development, inflation and balance of payments, growth with stability, growth with Social justice
8. Centre State relations, Finance Commissions, Sharing of Resources between Centre and States – Decentralization
9. India’s Economic reforms –Banking, Financial, trade and social sector; New challenges in a Globalized context – Global competition, Financial market instabilities, FDI flows, GST etc.,
10. Environmental degradation and challenges - Sustainable Development and Environment Protection.
11. Disaster Management; Vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies Application of remote sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
12. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
13. Data Analysis:
a) Tabulation of data
b) Visual representation of data
c) Basic data analysis, Summary Statistics such as mean and variance coefficient of variation etc., and Interpretation
14. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, including
a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.
b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.
d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
e). Implications to financial resources of state government.
f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
g). socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.
Examination Centre:
Preliminary examination : Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Kakinada, Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur, Ongole, Nellore, Tirupathi, Kadapa, Anantapur, Kurnool
Main (Conventional Type) Examination Centre :
How to apply: all eligible candidates can fill application form online at the official website Public service commission Andhra pradesh which is
Application form fee: rs 250 application processing fee + 120 exam fee
HoweverSC, ST, BC, PH , Exs categories of candidates are exempted from payment of
Examination fee of Rs.120/- only
Important Dates of APPSC latest Job Recruitment 2017
Notification Date – 30 December 2016
Online registration process started from – 31 December 2016
Last date of application form submission is – 30 January 2017
Preliminary examination date- 7 may 2017
Mains examination date – 17 august to 27 august 2017
1. Events of National and International importance.
2. Current affairs - International, National and Regional.
3. General Science and its applications to the day to day life and Contemporary developments in Science & Technology and Information Technology
4. Geography - World, National and Andhra Pradesh
5. History of India Ancient, Medieval, Modern –socio-cultural, Economic and political affairs with special emphasis on Indian National Movement.
6. Indian Polity and Governance; Constitutional issues, public policy formulation and implementation, Governance Reforms and e-governance initiatives.
7. Economic development in India since Independence- role of planning; Planning Commission, Niti Ayog, India’s economic problems such as poverty and unemployment, agrarian crisis, irrigation and water, sustainable development, inflation and balance of payments, growth with stability, growth with Social justice
8. Centre State relations, Finance Commissions, Sharing of Resources between Centre and States – Decentralization
9. India’s Economic reforms –Banking, Financial, trade and social sector; New challenges in a Globalized context – Global competition, Financial market instabilities, FDI flows, GST etc.,
10. Environmental degradation and challenges - Sustainable Development and Environment Protection.
11. Disaster Management; Vulnerability profile, prevention and mitigation strategies Application of remote sensing and GIS in the assessment of Disaster.
12. Logical reasoning, analytical ability and data interpretation.
13. Data Analysis:
a) Tabulation of data
b) Visual representation of data
c) Basic data analysis, Summary Statistics such as mean and variance coefficient of variation etc., and Interpretation
14. Bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and its Administrative, Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, and legal implications/problems, including
a). Loss of capital city, challenges in building new capital and it’s financial implications.
b). Division and rebuilding of common Institutions.
c). Division of employees, their relocation and nativity issues.
d). Effect of bifurcation on commerce and entrepreneurs.
e). Implications to financial resources of state government.
f). Task of post-bifurcation infrastructure development and opportunities for investments.
g). socioeconomic, cultural and demographic impact of bifurcation.
h). Impact of bifurcation on river water sharing and consequential issues.
i). AP REORGANISATION ACT, 2014 and the arbitrariness of certain provisions.
Examination Centre:
Preliminary examination : Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram, Kakinada, Eluru, Vijayawada, Guntur, Ongole, Nellore, Tirupathi, Kadapa, Anantapur, Kurnool
Main (Conventional Type) Examination Centre :
How to apply: all eligible candidates can fill application form online at the official website Public service commission Andhra pradesh which is
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Application form fee: rs 250 application processing fee + 120 exam fee
HoweverSC, ST, BC, PH , Exs categories of candidates are exempted from payment of
Examination fee of Rs.120/- only
Important Dates of APPSC latest Job Recruitment 2017
Notification Date – 30 December 2016
Online registration process started from – 31 December 2016
Last date of application form submission is – 30 January 2017
Preliminary examination date- 7 may 2017
Mains examination date – 17 august to 27 august 2017
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