68500 Copy re check application Form 2018 PNP
Parishadiya Prathmik Vidyalaya Sahayak Adhyapak Sikshak Bharti pariksha Official website online Application Form for Copy re checking and evaluation PNP Up basic Edu Board / Parishad Notification

applications online from 11 October 2018 for re-evaluation of assistant teacher Exam copy. The applications are being invited online since Thursday by pariksha niyamak pradhikari. Office of exam regulatory aurhotiy of UP will issue detailed guidelines in this regard on Wednesday. Teacher recruitment examination were not examined properly and after this allegations Chief Ministers of UP has order to reevaluate the Copy for finding the disturbances in the written examination. Aspirants are saying that the assessment has not happened correctly. That is why the examination regulatory authority is currently inviting applications online. The government has prepared that proforma on its website. Candidates can apply from Thursday. The Office of Examination Regulatory Authority will issue the website's address and other information in this regard on Wednesday. 20th of October, 2018 any candidate can make his application. No one has to pay any application fee to apply. You can make your application online only. After applying online, your copies will be re-evaluated and if there is a variation in your numbers, then your points will be modified and according to the rules, it will be processed.
Details about all the important information related to this
recruitment and the latest news updates will be available here.
Last date of Application Form Submission - 20 October 2018
Official website of Application form