Chandigarh police has published examination schedule for constable recruitment online Computer Based test. all eligible candidates who applied for constable Bharti Pariksha Chandigarh Police, are informed that now exam time table has published for constable vacancy 2018. Chandigarh Police will conduct written examination online on 15, 16, 17 November 2018. Through this examination total 520 constable post will be recruited. Selection of The Eligible candidates will be based on through the physical Efficiency Test, measurement test and online Computer Based test.
Download admit card for constable CBT test Chandigarh Police
Chandigarh Police has also published the admit card for constable recruitment examination 2018. All candidates can download the admit card from the official website of Chandigarh police. Admit card will be available for download from 8th November 2018. You can download your admit card through registration number. Admit card is also sending through email id and phone number.
If any candidates have having facing have facing problem in downloading admit card they can contact at Chandigarh Police Sector 9 UT Chandigarh pin 160009.
You can also call toll free number 1800 419 2929 from 8 November to 16 November. Examination centre related information will be sent to the candidate before one day through email and SMS.
You will get examination centre information on 13 November 2018.
Brief description about Computer Based test
Chandigarh Police will conduct Computer Based test for the recruitment of constable vacancy. Recruitment test will carry maximum 100 marks for 100 questions. Total 105 minutes time duration will be given for attempting the question paper. All questions will be asked in Hindi English and Punjabi medium. For each correct answer 1 mark will be given. Negative marking will also applicable in this examination for each incorrect answer 0.25 marks will be deducted.
Direct link of admit card is available here
Examination Programme /schedule of constable vacancy Chandigarh Police - 15 November, 16 November and 17 number 2018
Total number of vacancy 520 constable
Download Chandigarh Police recruitment Examination notification