Agriculture scientist recruitment board ASRB, department of
agriculture research and education Board, ministry of agriculture and farmer
welfare has published official notification for ICAR ASRB national eligibility
test NET examination 2019. All those candidates who want fill application form
for the ASRB/ ICAR net 2019 now they can apply online at the official website of
Important details of this test as are
Examination mode -
Exam over View
National eligibility test is a qualifying examination for
determining the eligibility for the position of lecturer/ assistant professor
in the state agricultural University SAU and other agricultural universities. All
those candidates who will be declared qualified in this examination they will
be eligible for apply for the post of lecturer / assistant professor in the
state agricultural universities.
Examination centre
This examination will
be held on line computer based test most. Examination will be held in 32 centre
of India .
Candidates must select the centre of examination carefully during the filling
of application form.
Eligibility criteria
Age limit detail -minimum 21 year and there is no upper age
limit for national eligibility test. Age will be determined as on 1st July 2019.
qualification details
a candidate must possess a master degree in
respect to discipline.
Number of attempts
There is no restriction of number of attempts in the
agricultural national eligibility test examination.
Selection process
Selection of The eligible candidates will be done through
the online examination. There will be a single question paper which will carry
150 marks for 150 objective type MCQ based questions. Total 2 hours time
duration will be given for attempting the question paper. Each question will
carry one mark.
Minimum qualifying
details for ICAR and net 2019 examination
Unreserved category candidates - 75 marks
OBC category candidates -67.5 marks
One third marks will be deducted for each wrong answer in
the online examination. Standard of the paper will be master degree level of
Indian in university in concern discipline.
Important dates of ASRB
ICAR NET examination 2019 as a following
Notification published on- 14 October 2019
Examination date – 9 December 2019 to 15 December 2019
Application form submission will be begin from -15 October
Last date of application form submission is -4th November 2019
Application form fee
Unreserved category -1,000
SC, ST and divyang /women candidate -250
Weaker General and other backward classes -500
You can deposit your application form fee through debit card,
credit card, method.
How to apply
You can apply online at the official website of ASRB ICAR
Net Exam 2019.
Download official
notification of ICAR NET examination 2019
Direct link of application
form submission of krishi vaigyanik Chayan mandal/ krishi anusandhan evam
shiksha vibhag/ krishi AVm krishi Kalyan mantralaya rashtriy krishi patrata
Department of Agricultural Research and Education,
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Government
of India
Krishi Anusandhan Bhawan – I, Pusa, New Delhi - 110012