Safai Karmi is waiting their promotion news for Gram panchayat adhikari post since long time.
Total 20% post of VPO will be filled through promotion from Safai Karmi. Upper Mukhya sachiv karmik has advised regarding the written examination to panchayat Raj department for promotion of Safai Karmi on VPO post. Only those Safai Karmi who have completed their 5 years service can apply for the promotion recruitment examination.
For applying promotion recruitment examination applicant must have prescribed education qualification and eligibility criteria for VPO post. Currently there is no promotion post for Safai Karmi in the whole service duration. Safai Karmi of UP has demanding we their promotions and protesting regarding this concern since long time. Yet there is no promotion formula developed for the Safai Karmi of uttar Pradesh. Detailed news of Safai Karmi promotion will be posted here.
see VPO Exam Recruitment Notification Village Panchayat Officer Exam
See Safai Karmi Vacancy Recruitment Details
See latest News in Hindi regarding Safai Karmi promotion on village panchayat officer in Hindi

Latest News January 2022
The wait for promotion of one lakh Safai Karmchari will end, Service Promotion Rule will be made shortly.
There is good news for rural sanitation workers who have been seeking promotion for many years. The government has started the process of making service rules. After the rules are made, provision related to promotion can be made. One lakh sanitation workers were appointed in the Panchayati Raj Department in 2008. But no provision was made for their promotion. At the same time, sanitation workers have been demanding promotion of qualified sanitation workers to 20 percent posts of Gram Panchayat Officers VPO/ GPO. The sanitation workers had also agitated for the demand. The Personnel Department has also directed that there should be service related arrangements in the service manual of the employees.
Committee formed for the rules The Panchayati Raj Department has constituted a committee under the chairmanship of Additional Director Panchayati Raj to make service rules for the cleaning workers. This includes Deputy Director Panchayat Praveena Chaudhary and SN Singh, District Panchayat Raj Officer Headquarter Ajay Anand Saroj and District Panchayat Raj Officer Lucknow Shashwat Anand Singh. The Additional Chief Secretary has directed the committee to make available the proposal regarding making service rules to the government in a week.