UP Aided College shiksha bharti Pariksha Syllabus, Question Paper Pattern, Latest News Update | Aided School Principal Teacher Vacancy News Update.
There is a news coming for the youths waiting for teacher recruitment in Aided Junior High Schools. A written examination will now be conducted for recruitment to the posts of teachers in Aided Junior High Schools. The Government of Uttar Pradesh is going to revise the Teacher Recruitment Rules in Aided Junior High Schools soon. Just Like the primary schools of basic shiksha Parishad, the state government will also conduct a written examination for the recruitment of teachers and principals of the government-aided or aided junior high schools in Uttar Pradesh. This is being attempted by the government to curb the arbitrariness and corruption of the management system in the recruitment of teachers in the Aided Junior High Schools.
At present, 3082 address junior high schools are functioning in the state, in which about 24000 posts of teachers and head teachers have been created. Presently, teachers are recruited to the posts of Head master / Principal in junior high schools under the eligibility criterion prescribed by NCTE. Candidates possessing the prescribed educational qualification and passing the teacher eligibility test UPTET / CTET are appointed on the basis of interview by the management in the schools. Approval is taken by the District Basic Education Officer to appoint on behalf of the management. Various types of corruption are done in the recruitment by the management, under which complaints of nepotism were constantly being received, due to which the state government has decided to recruit teachers in the management college.Written test will be conducted for this recruitment.
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