Application form for the computer assistant post has been invited online from December 2020 at the official website of UPPSC. All eligible candidates who hold the eligibility criteria for computer sahayak uttar Pradesh Lok Seva aayog now they can apply online at the official website of UPPSC.
Selected candidates will be appointed in the pay scale of 5200 – 20200. Age limit for this vacancy is 18 to 40 year. All those candidates who have intermediate qualified and have completed diploma in the computer science or have DOEACC O level diploma certificate now they can apply for this vacancy.
Selection process-
selection of The eligible candidates will be based on written examination
followed by typing test.
question paper pattern and syllabus details of computer
assistant UPPSC as a following
Question paper will be objective type and MCQ based. Total 1
hour and 30 minutes time duration will be given for attempting the question
paper. there shall be total 100 question in the computer assistant examination
which will carry maximum 100 marks. each question will carry maximum 1 marks.
on the basis of above said examination 10 times of proposed number of can
vacancy candidates qualified for Hindi typing on computer.
2nd phase
second phase will be held for typing test in which
candidates will be tested through Hindi typing test on computer which will be
qualifying nature.
time period of Hindi
typing test will be 5 minutes. the minimum essential required speed of Hindi
typing test is 25 words per minute. only such candidates shall be considered
for selection who gets minimum speed in Hindi typing test. final merit list
will be prepared on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in the only
written examination.
Pattern of this
examination as a following
General Hindi
General mental ability
General knowledge
Computer knowledge
question type
objective type
Syllabus of the
computer assistant examination general Hindi subject
Part A – General Hindi
सामान्य वार्तालाप में प्रयोग किए जाने
वाले हिंदी के शब्दों एवं
मुहावरों का ज्ञान सामान्य
कार्य में प्रयोग
होने वाले तकनिकी हिंदी
शब्दों का ज्ञान
अपठित गद्यांश पर
आधारित प्रश्न
हिंदी भाषा लेखन
Part B–General Mental
(i) Mathematical ability
(ii) Graphical and pattern analysis ability
(iii) Reasoning ability
(iv) Data Comprison and decision making
Part C–General Knowledge
(i) General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Agriculture,
Pharmacy, Botany, Zoology etc.
(ii) Preliminary Economics: Growth rates, GDP, GNP, etc.
(iii) Social Science: Constitution, Law related issues,
Indian History,
Geography etc.
(iv) Information Technology and Communication infrastructure
(v) Space Science: Satellite launch etc.
Part D–Computer Knowledge
(i) Operating System : Windows, Linux, Unix
(ii) Computer Languages: C, C++
(iii) Document Handling: Files Formats, Merging, Editing and
other documents Processing, Power Print, PDF etc.
(iv) Data base Handling: MS-Access, Spreadsheets, Simple
(v) Internet and E-mails: w.w.w., Popular Websites, Web
Surfing, Email
Preparation, SPAM emails etc.
(vi) Malwares and Virus: Common available Virus and Malwares
their removal.
Download official syllabus and question paper pattern of theUPPSC computer assistant examination 2019 question paper of computer assistant examination
UPPSC Computer Assistant Vacancy Details Eligibility Criteria
UPPSC Previous year Question Paper Download
UPPSC Computer Assistant Vacancy Details Eligibility Criteria
UPPSC Previous year Question Paper Download