West Bengal municipal service commission vacancy 858 post notification application formWest Bengal municipal service commission (WBMSC) has published the official advertisement number 11 of 2020 for the recruitment of conservancy mazdoor under Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Application form is invited online from the eligible candidate at the official website of mscwb from the citizen of India for the recruitment of conservancy mazdoor under Kolkata Municipal Corporation. Total number of vacancies is 858 including different categories. All 18 to 40 year eligible candidates can apply for this vacancy.
recruitment details of this vacancy as a following
Post name- conservancy mazdoor
Number of vacancies- 858
Salary details- pay level 1 of the pay matrix of 2019
Important dates
Online application form submission will be started from11
March 2020
Last date of application form submission is -15 April 2020
Last date of receipt of application form submission is- 17
April 2020
Notification date- 4th March 2020
criteria details
Age Limit - minimum 18, year maximum 40 years
Age will be determined as on 1st January 2020 both men and
women are eligible for this vacancy
Education qualification- read and write abilities
required in Bengali English and vernacular, Hindi, Urdu, oriya, and Nepali
Duties for these
Collection of solid
waste from door to door
Street sweeping
Selection process
Selection of the eligible candidates will be based on
through the written examination. Syllabus and question paper pattern of this
vacancy is published at the official website of mscwb.
Application form fees detail -rs 150 for unreserved and OBC
category candidates
Rs 50 for the SC ST and pH candidates
You can deposit your application form fees through the bank
challan only
Direct link of application form is given below